1 the swimming bath (open) at 9.00 and (close) at 19.30 every day 2 I have a car but I (use,not) it...

глаголы времена английский язык упражнения грамматика настоящее время вопросы ответы повседневная жизнь навыки работа

1 the swimming bath (open) at 9.00 and (close) at 19.30 every day 2 I have a car but I (use,not) it very often 3 HOw many cigarettes you (smoke) a day ? 4 what you (do) ? I'm an electrical engineer 5 where your father (come) from ? He (come) from Scotland 6 if you need money why you (get, not) a job? 7 I (play) the piano , but I (play, not) very well 8 i (understand, not ) the word 'deceive' . What "deceive" (mean) ? 9 what time the banks (close) in Britain ?

задан 3 месяца назад

2 Ответа


Ниже приведены предложения с правильными формами глаголов в скобках. Это поможет вам понять, как использовать различные времена в английском языке.

  1. The swimming bath opens at 9.00 and closes at 19.30 every day.

    • Здесь используется Present Simple, потому что речь идет о расписании или регулярных действиях.
  2. I have a car, but I don't use it very often.

    • Используется отрицательная форма Present Simple для выражения привычек или регулярных действий.
  3. How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

    • Вопрос в Present Simple используется для выяснения информации о регулярных действиях.
  4. What do you do? I'm an electrical engineer.

    • Здесь Present Simple используется для вопроса о профессии или общей деятельности человека.
  5. Where does your father come from? He comes from Scotland.

    • Вопросительное предложение в Present Simple для выяснения факта, а также утвердительное предложение для утверждения факта.
  6. If you need money, why don't you get a job?

    • Вопрос с отрицательной формой Present Simple для выражения предложения или совета.
  7. I play the piano, but I don't play very well.

    • Present Simple используется для выражения способности и частоты действия.
  8. I don't understand the word 'deceive'. What does "deceive" mean?

    • Отрицательная форма Present Simple для выражения непонимания, и вопрос в Present Simple для выяснения значения слова.
  9. What time do the banks close in Britain?

    • Вопрос в Present Simple для выяснения расписания или регулярных часов работы.

Эти примеры демонстрируют использование Present Simple для описания действий, которые происходят регулярно, фактов, привычек, и общепринятых истин.

ответил 3 месяца назад

  1. The swimming bath opens at 9.00 and closes at 19.30 every day. This means that the swimming bath is open for a total of 10.5 hours each day, allowing plenty of time for people to enjoy swimming and other activities at the facility.

  2. I have a car but I do not use it very often. Despite owning a car, I prefer to use other modes of transportation such as walking, cycling, or public transportation for most of my daily needs. This helps me save money on gas and reduce my carbon footprint.

  3. How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? This question is asking about the number of cigarettes a person typically smokes in a single day. Smoking can have serious health consequences, so it is important to be mindful of how many cigarettes are being consumed on a daily basis.

  4. What do you do? I'm an electrical engineer. As an electrical engineer, my job involves designing, developing, and testing electrical systems and equipment. I work with a team to create innovative solutions that meet the needs of various industries.

  5. Where does your father come from? He comes from Scotland. This indicates that the person's father is originally from Scotland, suggesting a Scottish heritage or background.

  6. If you need money, why don't you get a job? This question is inquiring about the person's financial situation and suggesting that obtaining a job could help improve their financial stability. Getting a job is a common way to earn money and support oneself financially.

  7. I play the piano, but I do not play very well. Despite having some skill in playing the piano, the person acknowledges that their abilities are not highly proficient. Practice and dedication can help improve musical skills over time.

  8. I do not understand the word 'deceive'. What does "deceive" mean? The word "deceive" means to deliberately mislead or trick someone into believing something that is not true. It involves using deception or dishonesty to manipulate others.

  9. What time do the banks close in Britain? The closing times of banks in Britain can vary depending on the specific bank and location. Generally, banks in Britain tend to close in the late afternoon or early evening, with some branches offering extended hours on certain days. It is advisable to check with the specific bank for their closing times.

ответил 3 месяца назад

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