1. За­пол­ни­те про­пус­ки со­ю­за­ми although/ though/ even though/ while/ whereas или пред­ло­га­ми...

грамматика союзы предлоги although though even though while whereas despite in spite of английский язык упражнения перевод примеры практика предложения образование грамматические конструкции

  1. За­пол­ни­те про­пус­ки со­ю­за­ми although/ though/ even though/ while/ whereas или пред­ло­га­ми despite/ in spite of:

а) ___there are a lot of pupils in the class, the teacher manages to ask everyone.

б) We finished our project on time all the difficulties.

в) ___ her lack of experience, she got a well-paid job.

г) ____she is a rich woman, she wears second-hand clothes.

д) He never knows what to do, ____he has been working here for a year.

е) ____ her staying at home, she spends a lot of money.

  1. До­пол­ни­те пред­ло­же­ния по смыс­лу:

а) They answered “yes”, although .

б) He didn’t give up smoking, even though .

в) Though she was pretty, .

г) While his sister was very obedient, he.

д) Whereas we had received a lot of money, .

е) Despite their good luck, .

ж) In spite of being hungry, Margaret .

  1. Пе­ре­ве­ди­те на ан­глий­ский язык, об­ра­щая вни­ма­ние на осо­бен­но­сти упо­треб­ле­ния со­ю­зов и пред­ло­гов в при­да­точ­ных пред­ло­же­ни­ях уступ­ки:

а) Несмот­ря на шум, дети спали креп­ко.

б) Хоть Питер по­лу­чал не много денег, он часть от­прав­лял своим ро­ди­те­лям.

в) Они очень редко ви­дят­ся, хоть и живут на одной улице.

г) Жанна не сдала эк­за­мен, хотя го­то­ви­лась к нему две неде­ли.

д) Несмот­ря на то что было до­ста­точ­но тепло, она по­вя­за­ла шарф и на­де­ла шапку.

е) Анна так и не вы­учи­ла немец­кий, хотя про­жи­ла в Гер­ма­нии более трех лет.

ж) Марк решил изу­чать эко­но­ми­ку, в то время как его луч­ший друг вы­брал фи­ло­со­фию.

з) Я пред­по­чи­таю клас­си­че­скую му­зы­ку, в то время как моей сест­ре нра­вит­ся рок.

задан 5 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


  1. а) Although/ Though there are a lot of pupils in the class, the teacher manages to ask everyone. б) We finished our project on time despite all the difficulties. в) Despite her lack of experience, she got a well-paid job. г) Whereas she is a rich woman, she wears second-hand clothes. д) He never knows what to do, even though he has been working here for a year. е) While her staying at home, she spends a lot of money.

  2. a) They answered “yes”, although they had doubts. б) He didn’t give up smoking, even though it was affecting his health. в) Though she was pretty, she lacked confidence. г) While his sister was very obedient, he was always causing trouble. д) Whereas we had received a lot of money, we still felt unsatisfied. е) Despite their good luck, they continued to face challenges. ж) In spite of being hungry, Margaret refused to eat junk food.

  3. а) Despite the noise, the children slept soundly. б) Although Peter didn't receive much money, he sent part of it to his parents. в) They rarely see each other, even though they live on the same street. г) Jeanne failed the exam, even though she had been preparing for it for two weeks. д) Despite it being fairly warm, she tied a scarf and put on a hat. е) Anna never learned German, even though she lived in Germany for over three years. ж) Mark decided to study economics, whereas his best friend chose philosophy. з) I prefer classical music, while my sister enjoys rock.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

Конечно, постараюсь помочь вам с этим заданием.

1. Заполните пропуски союзами although/though/even though/while/whereas или предлогами despite/in spite of:

а) Although there are a lot of pupils in the class, the teacher manages to ask everyone.

б) We finished our project on time despite all the difficulties.

в) Despite her lack of experience, she got a well-paid job.

г) Even though she is a rich woman, she wears second-hand clothes.

д) He never knows what to do, although he has been working here for a year.

е) Despite her staying at home, she spends a lot of money.

2. Дополните предложения по смыслу:

а) They answered “yes”, although they had many doubts.

б) He didn’t give up smoking, even though it was damaging his health.

в) Though she was pretty, she was very shy.

г) While his sister was very obedient, he was always causing trouble.

д) Whereas we had received a lot of money, we still couldn't afford the house.

е) Despite their good luck, they remained humble.

ж) In spite of being hungry, Margaret didn't eat anything.

3. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на особенности употребления союзов и предлогов в придаточных предложениях уступки:

а) Несмотря на шум, дети спали крепко.

  • Despite the noise, the children slept soundly.

б) Хоть Питер получал не много денег, он часть отправлял своим родителям.

  • Although Peter didn't earn much money, he sent some to his parents.

в) Они очень редко видятся, хоть и живут на одной улице.

  • They rarely see each other, although they live on the same street.

г) Жанна не сдала экзамен, хотя готовилась к нему две недели.

  • Jeanne failed the exam, even though she had prepared for it for two weeks.

д) Несмотря на то что было достаточно тепло, она повязала шарф и надела шапку.

  • Although it was warm enough, she wore a scarf and a hat.

е) Анна так и не выучила немецкий, хотя прожила в Германии более трех лет.

  • Anna never learned German, despite living in Germany for over three years.

ж) Марк решил изучать экономику, в то время как его лучший друг выбрал философию.

  • Mark decided to study economics, whereas his best friend chose philosophy.

з) Я предпочитаю классическую музыку, в то время как моей сестре нравится рок.

  • I prefer classical music, whereas my sister likes rock.

Надеюсь, это поможет вам в изучении английского языка!

ответил 5 месяцев назад

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