10 предложений на английском языке про белого медведя.4 класс.

Arctic thick fur white fur excellent swimmers diet seals solitary animals cubs climate change conservation

10 предложений на английском языке про белого медведя.4 класс.

задан 6 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


  1. The polar bear is a large, white bear that lives in the Arctic.
  2. Polar bears have thick fur and a layer of fat to keep them warm in cold temperatures.
  3. These bears are excellent swimmers and can swim for long distances in search of food.
  4. Polar bears mainly eat seals, which they hunt on sea ice.
  5. The polar bear is the largest land carnivore in the world.
  6. Female polar bears give birth to one to three cubs in a den made of snow.
  7. Polar bears have a keen sense of smell, which helps them locate prey from far away.
  8. These bears are considered marine mammals because they spend a lot of time in the water.
  9. Polar bears are currently listed as vulnerable species due to climate change and habitat loss.
  10. Conservation efforts are being made to protect polar bears and their icy homes in the Arctic.

ответил 6 месяцев назад

Sure, here are ten sentences about the polar bear, suitable for a 4th-grade level:

  1. The polar bear lives in the Arctic, where it is very cold.
  2. Polar bears have thick white fur to keep them warm.
  3. They are excellent swimmers and can swim for long distances.
  4. A polar bear's favorite food is seals.
  5. They use their strong sense of smell to find seals under the ice.
  6. Polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world.
  7. Mother polar bears take good care of their cubs.
  8. Cubs stay with their mothers for about two years.
  9. Polar bears have large paws that help them walk on ice.
  10. Climate change is a threat to polar bears because it melts the ice they live on.

ответил 6 месяцев назад

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