10 предложений с глаголом MAY

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10 предложений с глаголом MAY

задан 10 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


Конечно, вот примеры предложений с глаголом "may", используемым в различных контекстах:

  1. You may borrow my book if you promise to return it next week.
  2. She may come to the party if she gets off work early.
  3. They may not be home yet; they had a lot of errands to run.
  4. May I open the window? It's getting a bit stuffy in here.
  5. He may have left his keys in the car, but I'm not sure.
  6. You may find that the book is more interesting than the movie.
  7. The weather may change later this afternoon, according to the forecast.
  8. She may be the best candidate for the job, given her extensive experience.
  9. May you have a safe and pleasant journey.
  10. We may need to reconsider our plans if the budget does not allow for extra expenses.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

  1. She may go to the party tonight if she finishes her work on time.
  2. The weather forecast says it may rain tomorrow afternoon.
  3. I may have forgotten to turn off the lights before leaving the house.
  4. It may be difficult to find a parking spot during rush hour.
  5. You may want to double-check your calculations before submitting the report.
  6. The doctor said I may need to take antibiotics for my infection.
  7. The new restaurant may become popular among the locals.
  8. We may have to postpone the meeting until next week due to scheduling conflicts.
  9. The movie may start a little later than advertised.
  10. She may have left her keys at home by accident.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

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