10 предложений с глаголом to be в прошедшем времени

прошедшее время английский язык глагол to be примеры предложений грамматика образование прошедшего времени was were обучение английскому временные формы урок английского

10 предложений с глаголом to be в прошедшем времени

задан 6 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


Конечно! Вот десять предложений с глаголом "to be" в прошедшем времени:

  1. She was very happy with her new job.

    • Она была очень довольна своей новой работой.
  2. We were at the park yesterday afternoon.

    • Вчера днем мы были в парке.
  3. The weather was terrible last weekend.

    • В прошлые выходные погода была ужасной.
  4. They were excited about the upcoming trip.

    • Они были в восторге от предстоящей поездки.
  5. I was late for the meeting this morning.

    • Сегодня утром я опоздал на встречу.
  6. He was a talented musician in his youth.

    • В молодости он был талантливым музыкантом.
  7. The children were tired after the long walk.

    • Дети устали после долгой прогулки.
  8. The movie was really interesting and engaging.

    • Фильм был действительно интересным и увлекательным.
  9. Our team was the best in the tournament last year.

    • В прошлом году наша команда была лучшей на турнире.
  10. The book was on the table when I left.

    • Книга была на столе, когда я ушел.

Эти предложения демонстрируют использование глагола "to be" (was/were) для описания состояний, характеристик и ситуаций в прошлом времени.

ответил 6 месяцев назад

  1. She was a talented musician in her youth.
  2. The weather was beautiful during our vacation.
  3. The movie was incredibly entertaining.
  4. The old house was haunted by ghost stories.
  5. They were best friends since childhood.
  6. The book was a bestseller for several weeks.
  7. The exam was very difficult, but I managed to pass it.
  8. The concert was sold out in a matter of hours.
  9. The children were exhausted after playing all day.
  10. The car was stolen from the parking lot last night.

ответил 6 месяцев назад

  1. She was happy yesterday.
  2. They were at the party last night.
  3. It was a beautiful day last weekend.
  4. He was sick last month.
  5. We were late for the meeting yesterday.
  6. The movie was fantastic.
  7. The food was delicious at the restaurant.
  8. The concert was amazing.
  9. The weather was terrible yesterday.
  10. The children were tired after playing all day.

ответил 6 месяцев назад

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