Конечно, вот 10 примеров словосочетаний с причастиями настоящего и прошедшего времени в английском языке:
Running water - Run water
- Running water refers to the water that is currently flowing, such as in a river or from a tap.
- Run water could be used to describe water that has flowed in the past or water that was caused to flow.
Barking dog - Barked dog
- Barking dog describes a dog that is currently barking.
- Barked dog would refer to a dog that has already barked.
Falling leaves - Fallen leaves
- Falling leaves are leaves that are in the process of falling from a tree.
- Fallen leaves are those that have already landed on the ground.
Shining star - Shone star
- Shining star refers to a star that is currently emitting light.
- Shone star would describe a star that has emitted light in the past.
Laughing child - Laughed child
- Laughing child describes a child who is currently laughing.
- Laughed child would refer to a child who has laughed.
Boiling water - Boiled water
- Boiling water is water that is currently at a high temperature and bubbling.
- Boiled water is water that has been heated to the boiling point and is now cool or has been used.
Growing plant - Grown plant
- Growing plant describes a plant that is in the process of growing.
- Grown plant refers to a plant that has reached maturity.
Singing bird - Sung bird
- Singing bird describes a bird that is currently singing.
- Sung bird could describe a bird that has sung in the past.
Flowing river - Flowed river
- Flowing river refers to a river that is currently moving along its course.
- Flowed river would describe a river that has flowed in the past.
Flying kite - Flown kite
- Flying kite describes a kite that is currently in the air.
- Flown kite would refer to a kite that has been flown at some point.
Эти примеры демонстрируют, как причастия I (настоящего времени) и II (прошедшего времени) используются для описания действий или состояний в разное время.