2. Choose the right form and translate the sentences: 1. (lsare) there usually an upper limit on the...

грамматика выбор формы глагола перевод менеджеры компания отдел продаж представитель английский язык

  1. Choose the right form and translate the sentences: 1. (lsare) there usually an upper limit on the number of managers in a company? 2. As far as I know there (is/are) no limit. 3. There was were) three managers in the company. 4. There (wasn't/weren't) many managers in the corporation. 5. Do you know if there (isare) any sales managers in the department? 6. If I mistaken there (isare) not a single sales representative in this area. am not 7. There (is are) a representative in the northern part of the country.

задан месяц назад

3 Ответа


  1. Is there usually an upper limit on the number of managers in a company?
  2. As far as I know there is no limit.
  3. There were three managers in the company.
  4. There weren't many managers in the corporation.
  5. Do you know if there are any sales managers in the department?
  6. If I am mistaken there is not a single sales representative in this area.
  7. There is a representative in the northern part of the country.

ответил месяц назад

Let's go through each sentence, choose the correct form, and provide translations:

  1. Is/Are there usually an upper limit on the number of managers in a company?

    • Correct form: Is
    • Translation: Обычно существует верхний предел на количество менеджеров в компании?
  2. As far as I know there is/are no limit.

    • Correct form: is
    • Translation: Насколько я знаю, предела нет.
  3. There was/were three managers in the company.

    • Correct form: were
    • Translation: В компании было три менеджера.
  4. There wasn't/weren't many managers in the corporation.

    • Correct form: weren't
    • Translation: В корпорации не было много менеджеров.
  5. Do you know if there is/are any sales managers in the department?

    • Correct form: are
    • Translation: Вы знаете, есть ли в отделе какие-либо менеджеры по продажам?
  6. If I am/am not mistaken there is/are not a single sales representative in this area.

    • Correct form: am not, is
    • Translation: Если я не ошибаюсь, в этом районе нет ни одного торгового представителя.
  7. There is/are a representative in the northern part of the country.

    • Correct form: is
    • Translation: В северной части страны есть представитель.

In these sentences, choosing between "is" and "are" depends on whether the subject is singular or plural. For instance, "is" is used for singular nouns or non-count nouns, while "are" is used for plural nouns. Similarly, "was" is singular past tense, and "were" is plural past tense.

ответил месяц назад

  1. Is there usually an upper limit on the number of managers in a company?
  2. As far as I know, there is no limit.
  3. There were three managers in the company.
  4. There weren't many managers in the corporation.
  5. Do you know if there are any sales managers in the department?
  6. If I'm not mistaken, there is not a single sales representative in this area.
  7. There is a representative in the northern part of the country.


  1. Обычно ли есть верхний предел числа менеджеров в компании?
  2. Насколько мне известно, нет ограничения.
  3. В компании было три менеджера.
  4. В корпорации не было многих менеджеров.
  5. Знаете ли вы, есть ли менеджеры по продажам в отделе?
  6. Если я не ошибаюсь, в этом районе нет ни одного представителя по продажам.
  7. Есть представитель в северной части страны.

ответил месяц назад

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