Choose and read aloud the world that go with the sounds:first [i:],then [e],and [u:]. eat,Africa,bread,tooth,Great...

phonetics vowel sounds pronunciation English language [i:] [e] [u:] word categorization teaching language learning phonemes reading aloud

Choose and read aloud the world that go with the sounds:first [i:],then [e],and [u:]. eat,Africa,bread,tooth,Great Britain,sweet,parents,bed,school,we,dress,breakfast,hide-and-seek,sport,get,play,usually,let,leapfrog,juice, men,meat,ate,soup,bird,seven,too,tea,said,could,eleven,put,clean,went,two,very,ice cream,twelve,many,read,drank,every,blue,evening,yes,street,help,chess,teeth,then,teacher,red,please,yesterday,these,ten.

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2 Ответа


First, the words that go with the sound [i:]: eat, sweet, teeth, we, breakfast, meat, clean, read, street, please, these.

Next, the words that go with the sound [e]: bread, parents, bed, dress, get, men, said, eleven, red, chess, then, yesterday, ten.

Finally, the words that go with the sound [u:]: tooth, school, Great Britain, play, juice, soup, two, blue, true, through.

ответил месяц назад

To classify the words according to their vowel sounds, we need to identify which words contain the vowel sounds [i:], [e], and [u:].

  1. Sound [i:]: This is the long "ee" sound, as in "see".

    • eat
    • sweet
    • we
    • leapfrog
    • meat
    • tea
    • clean
    • we
    • teeth
    • street
    • teacher
    • please
    • these
  2. Sound [e]: This is the short "e" sound, as in "bed".

    • Africa
    • bread
    • Great Britain
    • parents
    • bed
    • dress
    • breakfast
    • get
    • men
    • said
    • seven
    • went
    • very
    • red
    • ten
    • help
    • chess
    • then
    • yes
    • eleven
    • many
    • every
    • yesterday
  3. Sound [u:]: This is the long "oo" sound, as in "food".

    • tooth
    • school
    • usually
    • soup
    • too
    • juice
    • blue
    • two

These categories help to understand the pronunciation differences in English vowel sounds and how they are used in different words.

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