Дайте форму притяжательного падежа, используя -„s, -s‟, -„
- We met at Mr. Harris house. 2. I need Bess phone number. 3. My sister husband is a broker. 4. We‟ll have a children party next week. 5. I‟ll spend the weekend at my friends house. 6.They need a month time to finish the project.
- This is a woman shop. 8. She works in a girls school. 9. Columbus discovery of America was a historic event. 10. Do you remember Pithagoras Theorem.
- “Alice Adventures in Wonderland” was written by Lewis Carroll. 12. From the radio came Elvis song. 13. My brother is now reading “Gulliver Travels”.
- It‟s teenagers style. 15. I work at Mr. Phillips office.
Замените предложения с предлогом of на существительные в притяжательном падеже.
- The advice of my parents. 2. The games of her son. 3. The marks of his children.
- A fax from Felix. 5. A novel by Akunin. 6. The life of students. 7. A school for boys.
- A magazine for women. 9. A club for men. 10. The climate of England. 11. The surface of the moon.
- The history of the world. 13. A holiday for two weeks. 14. The news of today. 15. The problem of the country.