The Complex Subject is a grammatical construction where the subject of a sentence is combined with an infinitive or participle to express a particular meaning, often involving perception, assumption, or report. Here are the sentences filled in with appropriate phrases:
He is sure to come to the conference (несомненно).
- This sentence uses "is sure to" to express certainty about the subject's action.
You seem to know this city better than we do (по-видимому).
- Here, "seem to" indicates an assumption about the subject based on evidence or appearance.
Their plans are likely to change in the future (вероятно).
- "Are likely to" suggests a probable future event concerning the subject.
They are certain to agree with you (определённо).
- "Are certain to" conveys definite agreement from the subject.
She is unlikely to give you this book (вряд ли).
- "Is unlikely to" indicates a low probability of the subject performing the action.
Do you happen to know him? (случайно).
- "Happen to" is used here to ask if the subject knows someone by chance.
He turned out to be right (оказался).
- "Turned out to be" means that the subject was ultimately proven correct.
He is said to be a good researcher (говорят).
- "Is said to" implies that there is a general perception or report about the subject.
He is known to have done this experiment (известно).
- "Is known to" indicates that the subject's actions are widely recognized or acknowledged.
They are believed to be well-informed citizens (полагают).
- "Are believed to" suggests a common belief or assumption about the subject.
These constructions are useful for expressing various degrees of certainty, probability, and perception regarding the actions or states of the subject.