Fill in the correct word: keep, fight, prescription, feel, complain, pain, spices, rumbling, so carrots....

письменный английский упражнения по заполнению пробелов грамматика словарный запас обучение языкам здоровье эмоции кулинария овощи рецепты медикаменты настроение

Fill in the correct word: keep, fight, prescription, feel, complain, pain, spices, rumbling, so carrots. 1. had this in my back since yesterday. 2. Why do you always I've you like the The soup What about everything? food? 3. is very tasty. did you use? 4. You can get this midicine only with a doctor's 5. Is there anything to eat? tummy is 6 I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I down in the dumps too 7. Ifind that natural lemonade is extremely 8. He can't his emotions under control. 9. My favourite vegetables are cabbage and 10 Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it's the only way to off infections

задан 5 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


Конечно, вот заполненные пропуски в предложениях с пояснениями:

  1. I had this pain in my back since yesterday.

    • Здесь подходит слово "pain" (боль), так как речь идет о физическом дискомфорте в спине.
  2. Why do you always complain? I've told you I like the soup! What about everything?

    • Слово "complain" (жаловаться) логично вписывается в контекст, где обсуждается постоянное недовольство.
  3. The food is very tasty. What spices did you use?

    • "Spices" (специи) логично вписывается, так как обсуждается вкус еды.
  4. You can get this medicine only with a doctor's prescription.

    • "Prescription" (рецепт) — это то, что выписывает врач для получения лекарства.
  5. Is there anything to eat? My tummy is rumbling.

    • "Rumbling" (урчание) используется для описания звука, который издает голодный живот.
  6. I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I feel down in the dumps too.

    • "Feel" (чувствую) правильно подходит, так как речь идет о чувствах и настроении.
  7. I find that natural lemonade is extremely refreshing.

    • "Refreshing" (освежающий) подходит, описывая свойство лимонада.
  8. He can't keep his emotions under control.

    • "Keep" (держать) используется в значении контроля над эмоциями.
  9. My favourite vegetables are cabbage and carrots.

    • "Carrots" (морковь) логично вписывается, так как речь идет о любимых овощах.
  10. Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it's the only way to fight off infections.

    • "Fight" (бороться) используется в контексте борьбы с инфекциями.

Итак, вот полный текст с заполненными пропусками:

  1. I had this pain in my back since yesterday.
  2. Why do you always complain? I've told you I like the soup! What about everything?
  3. The food is very tasty. What spices did you use?
  4. You can get this medicine only with a doctor's prescription.
  5. Is there anything to eat? My tummy is rumbling.
  6. I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I feel down in the dumps too.
  7. I find that natural lemonade is extremely refreshing.
  8. He can't keep his emotions under control.
  9. My favourite vegetables are cabbage and carrots.
  10. Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it's the only way to fight off infections.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

  1. pain
  2. keep, feel, complain, fight, rumbling, spices
  3. spices
  4. prescription
  5. rumbling
  6. feel
  7. tasty
  8. keep
  9. carrots
  10. fight off

ответил 5 месяцев назад

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