Have you heard of ivan III Vasilevich? Ivan III Vasilevich,who is also known as Ivan the B11 Great, is an . figure in Russian history. I B13 Ivan had great . skills and became a popular leader, uniting many princes in the surrounding area. B13 ivan the Great's greatest. was to free Russia from Mongol control. B14 In 1 480, Ivan made an important . , telling the Mongols that he would no longer pay them the money they wanted. Both sides came together to fight/ and it was unclear В15 which side was more . . However, before the battle, the Mongols retreated because B16 of the. of Ivan's army and the battle never happened. Тhe Mongols had, in effect, lost and from then on, Russia was a free country. 1) INTEREST 2) POLITICS 3) ACHIEVE 4) ANNOUNCE 5) POWER 6) STRONG