Написать 10 предложений на английском на тему - как я помогаю маме.

helping mom family support household chores daily routine mother and child relationship family responsibilities assisting parents home tasks family cooperation family bonding

Написать 10 предложений на английском на тему - как я помогаю маме.

задан 3 месяца назад

3 Ответа


  1. I help my mom by doing the dishes every evening.
  2. I assist my mom with grocery shopping every week.
  3. I help my mom by cleaning the house on weekends.
  4. I cook dinner for my mom when she is tired after work.
  5. I help my mom with laundry by sorting and folding clothes.
  6. I take care of my younger siblings to give my mom a break.
  7. I run errands for my mom when she is busy with work.
  8. I help my mom with gardening by watering the plants and weeding.
  9. I help my mom with organizing and decluttering the house.
  10. I give my mom emotional support and listen to her when she needs someone to talk to.

ответил 3 месяца назад

  1. I help my mom by doing the dishes after dinner every night.
  2. I assist my mom with laundry by sorting and folding clothes.
  3. I help my mom by vacuuming and dusting the house regularly.
  4. I help my mom with grocery shopping by making a list and carrying the bags.
  5. I assist my mom with cooking by chopping vegetables and setting the table.
  6. I help my mom by walking our dog every morning and evening.
  7. I assist my mom with gardening by watering the plants and pulling weeds.
  8. I help my mom with organizing by decluttering and tidying up common areas.
  9. I assist my mom with cleaning the bathrooms by scrubbing the tub and toilet.
  10. I help my mom by running errands for her, such as picking up dry cleaning or dropping off packages.

ответил 3 месяца назад

Конечно! Вот десять предложений на английском языке о том, как я помогаю маме:

  1. Every Saturday, I help my mom clean the house by vacuuming the living room and dusting the furniture.
  2. I assist her in the kitchen by chopping vegetables and washing the dishes after meals.
  3. On weekends, I take out the trash and ensure the recycling is sorted properly.
  4. I often help my mom with grocery shopping by pushing the cart and carrying the bags.
  5. When she's busy, I walk our dog in the evening to give her some time to relax.
  6. I help her in the garden by watering the plants and pulling out weeds.
  7. I make sure to keep my room tidy so she doesn't have to worry about cleaning it.
  8. During the holidays, I assist her in decorating the house and wrapping presents.
  9. I help her manage household expenses by organizing receipts and keeping track of bills.
  10. Whenever she's tired, I offer to cook simple meals or make her a cup of tea to brighten her day.

These sentences illustrate various ways I contribute to helping my mom with daily tasks and responsibilities.

ответил 3 месяца назад

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