Напиши, как показано в образце, какие из продуктов есть у вас на кухне/ в холодильнике packet of biscuits...

olive oil milk

Напиши, как показано в образце, какие из продуктов есть у вас на кухне/ в холодильнике packet of biscuits bag of potatoes / apples / oranges jar of jam / honey carton of milk / juice / yogurt tin of beans / fish bottle of milk / juice / Coke / olive oil bar of chocolate loaf of brown / white bread

1 We`ve got a bottle of olive oil in the kitchen. 2 There are two cartons of milk in the fridge. 3 4 5 6 7 8

задан 10 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


  1. I see a tin of beans on the shelf.
  2. We have a loaf of white bread in the bread bin.
  3. There's a jar of honey in the cupboard.
  4. We also have a bag of potatoes stored in the pantry.
  5. In the fridge, there is a carton of yogurt.
  6. Lastly, there's a bar of chocolate hidden in the drawer for a sweet treat.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

3 We have a packet of biscuits on the counter. 4 There is a jar of honey in the pantry. 5 We have a tin of beans in the cupboard. 6 There is a bar of chocolate in the snack drawer. 7 We have a loaf of white bread in the bread box. 8 There is a bottle of Coke in the fridge.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

3 We have a jar of honey in the pantry. 4 There is a tin of beans in the cupboard. 5 We have a bar of chocolate in the pantry. 6 There are two bags of potatoes in the pantry. 7 There is a bottle of Coke in the fridge. 8 We have a loaf of brown bread in the bread box.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

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