Напиши правдивые предложения о своей семье и друзьях используя глаголы в рамочке и наречия.always usually...

друзья действия глаголы наречия повседневная жизнь

Напиши правдивые предложения о своей семье и друзьях используя глаголы в рамочке и наречия.always usually sometimes never ГЛАГОЛЫ:drive a car clean the rooms play soccer listen to music ski go shopping wash tehe dishes make cakes dive ОБРАЗЕЦ: MY DA NEVER PLAYS SOCCER. I SOMETIMES SKI IN WINTER. ПЛИЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ СРОЧНО УМОЛЯЮ!

задан 10 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


My dad always drives a car to work. My mom usually cleans the rooms on weekends. My brother sometimes plays soccer with his friends. My sister never listens to music while studying. My best friend always goes shopping on weekends. My grandma usually washes the dishes after dinner. My grandpa sometimes makes cakes for special occasions. My cousin never dives in the sea because he is afraid. I always ski in the mountains during winter.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

Конечно, вот несколько предложений:

  1. My mom usually makes cakes on weekends.
  2. My sister always listens to music while she does her homework.
  3. My dad never drives a car because he prefers biking.
  4. I sometimes go shopping with my friends after school.
  5. My brother usually cleans the rooms on Saturday mornings.
  6. We sometimes play soccer together in the park.
  7. My grandparents never ski, but they like to watch us when we do.
  8. I always wash the dishes after dinner.
  9. My best friend and I sometimes dive during our summer vacations.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

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