Напиши,что любят и не любят есть члены твоей семьи и твой друг .образец; My grandma likes vegetables,but...

семья предпочтения в еде бабушка друг овощи чипсы любимые продукты нелюбимые продукты

Напиши,что любят и не любят есть члены твоей семьи и твой друг .образец; My grandma likes vegetables,but she doesn't like chips.

задан 5 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


Конечно, вот пример описания предпочтений в еде членов моей семьи и моего друга на английском языке:

  1. My mom likes fresh fruits, especially apples and bananas, but she doesn't like spicy food. She often says that spicy dishes are too overwhelming for her taste.

  2. My dad enjoys grilled meat, particularly chicken and steak, but he doesn’t like seafood. He finds the smell and texture of fish and shellfish unappealing.

  3. My sister loves pasta with a variety of sauces, such as Alfredo and Marinara, but she doesn’t like mushrooms. She can't stand the texture and taste of mushrooms in any dish.

  4. My brother is a big fan of pizza, especially with extra cheese and pepperoni, but he doesn't like vegetables. He often picks them off any dish they come with.

  5. My friend Alex likes sushi and could eat it every day, but he doesn’t like sweets. He prefers savory snacks over candy or desserts.

Эти описания дают представление о разнообразии вкусов и предпочтений в еде среди моих близких и друзей.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

My sister loves pasta, but she hates seafood. My dad enjoys eating steak, but he can't stand mushrooms. My best friend adores pizza, but he detests olives. My mom is a fan of sushi, but she cannot stand spicy food. Each member of my family and my friend has their own unique preferences when it comes to food.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

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