Нужно описать внешность членов семьи (мама, папа и т.д.).

внешность описание семья мама папа члены семьи описание внешности семья и внешность

Нужно описать внешность членов семьи (мама, папа и т.д.).

задан 10 дней назад

2 Ответа


Опишите внешность членов своей семьи на английском языке можно следующим образом:

Мама (Mother)

My mother is a lovely woman in her early forties. She has long, wavy brown hair that she often styles in a loose bun. Her eyes are a deep shade of green, which sparkle when she smiles. She has a warm and friendly face, with high cheekbones and a gentle smile that makes everyone feel welcome. My mom is of average height, around 5 feet 5 inches tall, and she has a slender build. She often wears casual but stylish clothes, preferring comfortable sweaters and jeans when she’s at home, but she can also dress up elegantly for special occasions.

Папа (Father)

My father is a tall man, standing at about 6 feet 2 inches. He has short, straight black hair that is starting to show some gray at the temples. His eyes are a striking blue, and he has a strong jawline with a bit of stubble. Dad has a broad build and is quite athletic, as he enjoys playing sports and staying active. He usually wears casual clothing, like polo shirts and cargo shorts in the summer, but he also likes to wear a suit for work or formal events. His confident demeanor and friendly smile make him approachable.

Брат (Brother)

My brother is a teenager, about 15 years old. He is tall for his age, around 5 feet 10 inches, and he has a lean physique. His hair is short and messy, often styled in a way that reflects his laid-back personality. He has bright hazel eyes and a sprinkle of freckles across his nose. My brother loves wearing graphic t-shirts and sneakers, which match his easy-going nature. He has a youthful energy that makes him fun to be around.

Сестра (Sister)

My sister is 10 years old and has a cheerful personality. She has long, straight blonde hair that she usually ties into two ponytails. Her big brown eyes are full of curiosity and mischief. She is small for her age, standing at about 4 feet 5 inches, but her vibrant spirit makes her seem larger than life. She enjoys wearing colorful dresses and leggings, often with cute accessories like hairbands or bracelets. Her laughter is contagious, and she brings joy to our family.


Each member of my family has their unique features and styles that reflect their personalities. Together, we create a diverse and loving environment that makes our home special.

ответил 10 дней назад

Конечно! Чтобы описать внешность членов семьи на английском языке, важно использовать соответствующие слова, фразы и грамматические конструкции. Вот подробное руководство, как это сделать:

1. Общие аспекты внешности

При описании внешности можно упомянуть следующие характеристики:

  • Рост: tall (высокий), short (низкий), medium height (среднего роста).
  • Телосложение: slim (стройный), thin (худой), plump (полноватый), muscular (мускулистый), average build (среднего телосложения).
  • Возраст: young (молодой), middle-aged (среднего возраста), elderly (пожилой).

2. Лицо и черты лица

  • Овал лица: round face (круглое лицо), oval face (овальное лицо), square face (квадратное лицо).
  • Цвет кожи: fair skin (светлая кожа), tanned skin (загорелая кожа), dark skin (тёмная кожа).
  • Глаза: big eyes (большие глаза), small eyes (маленькие глаза), almond-shaped (миндалевидные глаза), blue (синие), green (зелёные), brown (карие), hazel (ореховые).
  • Нос: small nose (маленький нос), big nose (большой нос), straight nose (прямой нос), pointed nose (острый нос).
  • Улыбка/губы: full lips (пухлые губы), thin lips (тонкие губы), bright smile (сияющая улыбка).

3. Волосы

  • Длина: short hair (короткие волосы), long hair (длинные волосы), medium-length hair (волосы средней длины).
  • Цвет: blonde (блондин), brown (шатен), black (чёрные), red (рыжие), grey (седые).
  • Текстура: straight hair (прямые волосы), curly hair (кудрявые волосы), wavy hair (волнистые волосы).
  • Прическа: ponytail (хвостик), bun (пучок), braids (косы).

4. Особенности

  • Наличие очков: wears glasses (носит очки), wears contact lenses (носит контактные линзы).
  • Родинки/веснушки: freckles (веснушки), mole (родинка).
  • Борода/усы: beard (борода), mustache (усы), clean-shaven (гладко выбритый).

5. Пример описания членов семьи

Вот пример описания внешности мамы, папы и брата:

My mother is a beautiful woman in her forties. She is of medium height and has a slim build. She has long, wavy brown hair and lovely hazel eyes. Her skin is fair, and she has a warm, kind smile. She usually wears glasses and dresses very elegantly.

My father is tall and athletic. He has short, straight black hair and dark brown eyes. His skin is slightly tanned because he spends a lot of time outdoors. He has a small beard and a very confident look. My dad always dresses casually but neatly.

My brother is a teenager, so he is still growing. He is of average height but quite slim. He has short, curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His face is round, and he has a few freckles on his nose. He loves wearing sporty clothes and sneakers.

6. Полезные выражения

  • She looks like. (Она похожа на…)
  • He has the same. as. (У него такие же. как у…)
  • Her most striking feature is. (Её самая яркая черта - это.)
  • He takes after. (Он похож на… - про черты, унаследованные от родителей).

Используя эти рекомендации, вы можете легко описать внешность членов своей семьи на английском языке в деталях. Удачи! 😊

ответил 10 дней назад

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