Образуйте отрицательную, вопросительную и утвердительную форму предложений Past Simple They ( to live)...

Past Simple отрицательная форма вопросительная форма утвердительная форма примеры английская грамматика упражнения прошедшее время образование предложений английский язык.

Образуйте отрицательную, вопросительную и утвердительную форму предложений Past Simple They ( to live) in London last month.

She (to eat) the ice-creame yesterday.

My mother (to cook) yesterday.

He ( to openn) the windjw before classes yesterday.

My father (to write) a very interesting article last month.

We ( to go) to see our friend yesterday.

We ( to live) in a small house last year.

They ( to spend) in the country last summer.

задан 10 дней назад

3 Ответа


Отрицательная форма: They did not live in London last month. She did not eat the ice-cream yesterday. My mother did not cook yesterday. He did not open the window before classes yesterday. My father did not write a very interesting article last month. We did not go to see our friend yesterday. We did not live in a small house last year. They did not spend in the country last summer.

Вопросительная форма: Did they live in London last month? Did she eat the ice-cream yesterday? Did my mother cook yesterday? Did he open the window before classes yesterday? Did my father write a very interesting article last month? Did we go to see our friend yesterday? Did we live in a small house last year? Did they spend in the country last summer?

Утвердительная форма: They lived in London last month. She ate the ice-cream yesterday. My mother cooked yesterday. He opened the window before classes yesterday. My father wrote a very interesting article last month. We went to see our friend yesterday. We lived in a small house last year. They spent in the country last summer.

ответил 10 дней назад

Отрицательная форма:

  • They did not live in London last month.
  • She did not eat the ice-cream yesterday.
  • My mother did not cook yesterday.
  • He did not open the window before classes yesterday.
  • My father did not write a very interesting article last month.
  • We did not go to see our friend yesterday.
  • We did not live in a small house last year.
  • They did not spend in the country last summer.

Вопросительная форма:

  • Did they live in London last month?
  • Did she eat the ice-cream yesterday?
  • Did my mother cook yesterday?
  • Did he open the window before classes yesterday?
  • Did my father write a very interesting article last month?
  • Did we go to see our friend yesterday?
  • Did we live in a small house last year?
  • Did they spend in the country last summer?

Утвердительная форма:

  • They lived in London last month.
  • She ate the ice-cream yesterday.
  • My mother cooked yesterday.
  • He opened the window before classes yesterday.
  • My father wrote a very interesting article last month.
  • We went to see our friend yesterday.
  • We lived in a small house last year.
  • They spent in the country last summer.

ответил 10 дней назад

Давайте разберем, как образуются утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные формы предложений в Past Simple на примере данных предложений.

  1. They (to live) in London last month.

    • Утвердительная: They lived in London last month.
    • Отрицательная: They did not (didn't) live in London last month.
    • Вопросительная: Did they live in London last month?
  2. She (to eat) the ice-cream yesterday.

    • Утвердительная: She ate the ice-cream yesterday.
    • Отрицательная: She did not (didn't) eat the ice-cream yesterday.
    • Вопросительная: Did she eat the ice-cream yesterday?
  3. My mother (to cook) yesterday.

    • Утвердительная: My mother cooked yesterday.
    • Отрицательная: My mother did not (didn't) cook yesterday.
    • Вопросительная: Did my mother cook yesterday?
  4. He (to open) the window before classes yesterday.

    • Утвердительная: He opened the window before classes yesterday.
    • Отрицательная: He did not (didn't) open the window before classes yesterday.
    • Вопросительная: Did he open the window before classes yesterday?
  5. My father (to write) a very interesting article last month.

    • Утвердительная: My father wrote a very interesting article last month.
    • Отрицательная: My father did not (didn't) write a very interesting article last month.
    • Вопросительная: Did my father write a very interesting article last month?
  6. We (to go) to see our friend yesterday.

    • Утвердительная: We went to see our friend yesterday.
    • Отрицательная: We did not (didn't) go to see our friend yesterday.
    • Вопросительная: Did we go to see our friend yesterday?
  7. We (to live) in a small house last year.

    • Утвердительная: We lived in a small house last year.
    • Отрицательная: We did not (didn't) live in a small house last year.
    • Вопросительная: Did we live in a small house last year?
  8. They (to spend) time in the country last summer.

    • Утвердительная: They spent time in the country last summer.
    • Отрицательная: They did not (didn't) spend time in the country last summer.
    • Вопросительная: Did they spend time in the country last summer?

В Past Simple для образования отрицательной и вопросительной формы используется вспомогательный глагол "did". В утвердительных предложениях глагол употребляется в 2-й форме, а в отрицательных и вопросительных — в инфинитиве после "did" или "didn't".

ответил 10 дней назад

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