Once upon the time there lived a king who liked to give orders. Repot his commands. Помоги те перевести...

перевод в косвенную речь приказы команды король сбор денег работа не плакать защита королевства пение хорошие новости трансмутация выпечка

Once upon the time there lived a king who liked to give orders. Repot his commands. Помоги те перевести в косвенную речь 1) collect the money 2) set to work! 3) Don't cry! 4) Defend our kingdom 5) sing me a song 6) Don't tell me anything bad 7) Turn the metal into gold 8) Bake me some bread Не надо переводить . надо сделать )))

задан 8 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


1) He ordered to collect the money. 2) He commanded to set to work! 3) He told not to cry. 4) He ordered to defend our kingdom. 5) He requested to sing him a song. 6) He told not to tell him anything bad. 7) He commanded to turn the metal into gold. 8) He requested to bake him some bread.

ответил 8 месяцев назад

Конечно, давай преобразуем прямую речь в косвенную:

  1. Collect the money

    • The king ordered them to collect the money.
  2. Set to work!

    • The king commanded them to set to work.
  3. Don't cry!

    • The king instructed them not to cry.
  4. Defend our kingdom

    • The king urged them to defend their kingdom.
  5. Sing me a song

    • The king requested them to sing him a song.
  6. Don't tell me anything bad

    • The king asked them not to tell him anything bad.
  7. Turn the metal into gold

    • The king demanded them to turn the metal into gold.
  8. Bake me some bread

    • The king asked them to bake him some bread.

Таким образом, мы преобразовали все приказы короля в косвенную речь, сохранив смысл и структуру команд.

ответил 8 месяцев назад

1) The king ordered to collect the money. 2) The king commanded to set to work. 3) The king told not to cry. 4) The king instructed to defend our kingdom. 5) The king requested to sing him a song. 6) The king prohibited from telling him anything bad. 7) The king ordered to turn the metal into gold. 8) The king requested to bake him some bread.

ответил 8 месяцев назад

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