Описать верблюда на английском.3 -5 предложения. 1 где живёт, 2-3 что умеет делать что хорошо делает,...

Desert transportation endurance plants zoos

Описать верблюда на английском.3 -5 предложения. 1 где живёт, 2-3 что умеет делать что хорошо делает, 4 что ест, 5 где можно увидеть.

задан 9 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


The camel is a large mammal that lives in deserts and arid regions. They are known for their ability to go long periods of time without water and for their humped back which stores fat for energy. Camels are well adapted to their environment, with thick fur to protect them from the sun and sandstorms. They primarily eat grasses, grains, and desert vegetation. Camels can be seen in desert regions around the world, such as the Middle East, Africa, and parts of Asia.

ответил 9 месяцев назад

The camel typically resides in arid desert regions, such as those found in the Middle East and North Africa. Camels are well-adapted to survive in harsh conditions; they can travel long distances without water and can carry heavy loads over vast expanses of desert. They are particularly skilled at conserving water and can go for weeks without drinking by storing fat in their humps. Camels primarily eat dry grasses, grains, and desert vegetation, which they can digest efficiently. You can commonly see camels in deserts, but they are also found in zoos and safari parks around the world.

ответил 9 месяцев назад

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