Переделайте предложения в Passive Voice: 1) She looks after the patients well. 2) The doctor gave me...

пассивный залог преобразование предложений

Переделайте предложения в Passive Voice:

1) She looks after the patients well.

2) The doctor gave me good advice.

3) The nurse will take good care of the child.

4) The students wrote the test without mistakes.

5) The doctor prescribed her new medicines.

6) Mrs. Watson visits the dentist regularly.

7) On practice they will do all injections correctly.

задан 3 месяца назад

2 Ответа


1) The patients are well looked after by her.

2) Good advice was given to me by the doctor.

3) The child will be taken good care of by the nurse.

4) The test was written by the students without mistakes.

5) New medicines were prescribed to her by the doctor.

6) The dentist is regularly visited by Mrs. Watson.

7) All injections will be done correctly on practice by them.

ответил 3 месяца назад

Чтобы переделать предложения в Passive Voice, важно понять, кто является подлежащим и кто дополнением в активном предложении. В пассивном залоге подлежащее становится дополнением, и наоборот. Также необходимо добавить форму глагола "to be" в нужном времени и добавить причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle) основного глагола. Давайте разберем каждое предложение:

1) She looks after the patients well.

  • Пассив: The patients are looked after well by her.

2) The doctor gave me good advice.

  • Пассив: I was given good advice by the doctor.
  • Или Good advice was given to me by the doctor.

3) The nurse will take good care of the child.

  • Пассив: The child will be taken good care of by the nurse.

4) The students wrote the test without mistakes.

  • Пассив: The test was written without mistakes by the students.

5) The doctor prescribed her new medicines.

  • Пассив: She was prescribed new medicines by the doctor.
  • Или New medicines were prescribed to her by the doctor.

6) Mrs. Watson visits the dentist regularly.

  • Пассив: The dentist is visited regularly by Mrs. Watson.

7) On practice they will do all injections correctly.

  • Пассив: All injections will be done correctly by them on practice.

Когда вы переделываете предложение в Passive Voice, важно помнить, что акцент в пассивном залоге делается на объект действия, а не на субъект, который это действие выполняет.

ответил 3 месяца назад

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