Переведите на англ -язык очень срочноооо!это моя гостиная .В ней есть большой коричневый и очень мягкий...

living room sofa armchair window curtains table vase flowers newspapers painting comfortable

Переведите на англ -язык очень срочноооо!это моя гостиная .В ней есть большой коричневый и очень мягкий диван .Над диваном окно с красивыми занавесками , на против стол .На столе стоит ваза с цветами и газеты.Рядом с диваном стоит тоже очень мягкое кресло.На стене висит одна большая картина .Наша гостинаяочень комфортная!

задан 4 месяца назад

2 Ответа


I need a translation into English urgently! This is my living room. It has a large brown and very soft sofa. Above the sofa there is a window with beautiful curtains, and opposite the sofa there is a table. On the table there is a vase with flowers and newspapers. Next to the sofa there is also a very soft armchair. On the wall there is a large painting. Our living room is very comfortable!

ответил 4 месяца назад

Sure! Here's the translation of the given text into English:

This is my living room. It has a large brown and very soft sofa. Above the sofa, there is a window with beautiful curtains, and across from it, there is a table. On the table, there is a vase with flowers and some newspapers. Next to the sofa, there is also a very soft armchair. There is one large painting hanging on the wall. Our living room is very comfortable!

ответил 4 месяца назад

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