По тексту выполнить задания My college life My name is Alex. I study at the Forest College. I am a full-time...

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My college life

My name is Alex. I study at the Forest College. I am a full-time student. I am in my first year now.

There are full-time and part-time departments in our college. The academic session lasts 10 months. Our college trains specialists in many branches of knowledge. There are four specialty in the college: “Forest and park management”, “Technical exploitation of the lifting, transport, building and road machines and equipment”, “Landscape gardening and landscape construction” and “Hunting and fur farming”. Our college is very cosy and spacious. There is a large and light hall, a sport gym, a training room with sport heavy equipment on the ground floor. Many subject classrooms, a rich library and a reading hall are situated on the second floor. All the rooms of our college have modern equipment: computers, TV-sets, DVD-players and interactive boards. Not far from the college it is a hostel. It is a very comfortable and cosy four-stored building for the students. Opposite the college it is a club and a canteen. During the lunch-break we go there to have dinner.

Our periods begin at 8 o’clock and they are over at 1610. Our period lasts 90 minutes. As a rule, we have three or four periods every day. We study many subjects at the college. We attend lectures, seminars and have practice. Some students who have only good and excellent marks get a scholarship. We go to college five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are our days off.

Our group consists of 25 students, including our monitor. Some our groupmates live in our hostel. As a rule, almost every student of our group comes to the college before the bell rings. So we can have a chat with each other. We usually have a lot of things to talk about. After periods everybody goes home to do homeworks. There are many different clubs and societies at our college. I attend a sport club and a dance club.

At the end of each semester we have test, credit tests and exams. When we have passed all the tests we start to prepare for the exams. After the exams a vacation comes.

Now I can’t say that college life is a fascinating, fantastic experience. For the moment I can compare it only with a daily routine.

№8. Put the questions to the following sentences.

1) I passed my exams well. (Who? How? )

2) I go to my college on foot. (Who? How? Where?)

3) We have four periods a day. (How many?)

4) Our periods begin at 8 a.m. (When?)

5) I work hard. (Who? How? )

6) He does well at the college. (How?)

№9. Give the short affirmative answer (+).

1) Has our college full-time and part-time departments?

2) Do our studies begin at 9 o’clock?

3) Do we usually have 5 periods a day?

задан 2 месяца назад

2 Ответа


Certainly! Let’s address the tasks based on the provided text about college life.

№8. Put the questions to the following sentences:

1) I passed my exams well. (Who? How?)

  • Who passed their exams well?
  • How did you pass your exams?

2) I go to my college on foot. (Who? How? Where?)

  • Who goes to their college on foot?
  • How do you go to your college?
  • Where do you go on foot?

3) We have four periods a day. (How many?)

  • How many periods do you have a day?

4) Our periods begin at 8 a.m. (When?)

  • When do your periods begin?

5) I work hard. (Who? How?)

  • Who works hard?
  • How do you work?

6) He does well at the college. (How?)

  • How does he do at the college?

№9. Give the short affirmative answer (+).

1) Has our college full-time and part-time departments?

  • Yes, it has.

2) Do our studies begin at 9 o’clock?

  • No, they don’t. (According to the text, studies begin at 8 o'clock.)

3) Do we usually have 5 periods a day?

  • No, we don’t. (The text states that they usually have three or four periods a day.)

These exercises help reinforce comprehension and the ability to form questions and answers based on textual information, which is a crucial skill in English language learning.

ответил 2 месяца назад

1) Yes, our college has full-time and part-time departments. 2) No, our studies begin at 8 o'clock. 3) No, we usually have three or four periods a day.

ответил 2 месяца назад

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