Помогите, очень надо! Insert the Past Continuous or Past Perfect. 1. The Gadfly __ just __ washing the...

английский язык времена в английском past continuous past perfect упражнения грамматика изучение английского упражнения на времена английская грамматика обучение английскому помощь с английским

Помогите, очень надо! Insert the Past Continuous or Past Perfect.

  1. The Gadfly just washing the boy, and him in a warm blanket, when Gemma came in with a tray in her hands. (to finish, to wrap) (Voynich) 2. They the peacock door and stood there, talking, (to reach) (Galsworthy) 3. She [Nurse Hopkins] herself just and her bonnet strings when Mary entered. (to come in, to untie) (Christie) 4.she could see their faces in a looking-glass. They evidently themselves, (to enjoy) (Mit- ford) 5. Mr. Picku i:k found that his three companions and his arrival to commence breakfast, (to rise, to wait) (Dickens) 6. I led her to the sitting room. Antonia her tears and her nose again. She greeted Rosemary, (to dry, to powder) (Murdoch) 7. When Gemma returned with the milk the Gadfly the riding-cloak and. the leather gaiters which Martini (to put on, to fasten, to bring) (Voynich) 8. When I looked up again I saw that she , and with her hand on the handle of the door, (to move, to stand) (Du Maurier) 9. Then, quite suddenly, I noticed a movement in the garden: someone. from the gate at the far end of the lawn and rapidly across towards the house, (to enter, to move) (Clark) 10. He hurried out into the big, dim vault of the station. The rain at the rails and wind was cold after the closed-in carriage, (to lash) (Lindsay) II. Elinor more than half a dozen steps. when a hand fell on her arm from behind, (to take — negative) (Christie) 12. When daylight came the storm still but the snow __. (to blow, to stop) (Hemingway)

задан 11 дней назад

3 Ответа


Вот ответы с использованием Past Continuous и Past Perfect:

  1. The Gadfly had just finished washing the boy, and was wrapping him in a warm blanket, when Gemma came in with a tray in her hands.
  2. They had reached the peacock door and stood there, talking.
  3. She [Nurse Hopkins] herself had just come in and was untying her bonnet strings when Mary entered.
  4. she could see their faces in a looking-glass. They were evidently enjoying themselves.
  5. Mr. Pickwick found that his three companions had risen and were waiting for his arrival to commence breakfast.
  6. I led her to the sitting room. Antonia was drying her tears and was powdering her nose again. She greeted Rosemary.
  7. When Gemma returned with the milk the Gadfly had put on the riding-cloak and was fastening the leather gaiters which Martini had brought.
  8. When I looked up again I saw that she was standing, and was moving with her hand on the handle of the door.
  9. Then, quite suddenly, I noticed a movement in the garden: someone was entering from the gate at the far end of the lawn and was moving rapidly across towards the house.
  10. He hurried out into the big, dim vault of the station. The rain was lashing at the rails and wind was cold after the closed-in carriage.
  11. Elinor had not taken more than half a dozen steps when a hand fell on her arm from behind.
  12. When daylight came the storm was still blowing but the snow had stopped.

ответил 11 дней назад

Конечно! Давайте вставим нужные формы глаголов в предложениях, используя Past Continuous и Past Perfect.

  1. The Gadfly had just finished washing the boy, and was wrapping him in a warm blanket, when Gemma came in with a tray in her hands.
  2. They had reached the peacock door and stood there, talking.
  3. She [Nurse Hopkins] herself had just come in and was untying her bonnet strings when Mary entered.
  4. She could see their faces in a looking-glass. They were evidently enjoying themselves.
  5. Mr. Pickwick found that his three companions had risen and were waiting for his arrival to commence breakfast.
  6. I led her to the sitting room. Antonia had dried her tears and was powdering her nose again. She greeted Rosemary.
  7. When Gemma returned with the milk, the Gadfly had put on the riding-cloak and was fastening the leather gaiters which Martini had brought.
  8. When I looked up again, I saw that she was standing, and had moved with her hand on the handle of the door.
  9. Then, quite suddenly, I noticed a movement in the garden: someone had entered from the gate at the far end of the lawn and was moving rapidly across towards the house.
  10. He hurried out into the big, dim vault of the station. The rain was lashing at the rails and the wind was cold after the closed-in carriage.
  11. Elinor had not taken more than half a dozen steps when a hand fell on her arm from behind.
  12. When daylight came, the storm was still blowing but the snow had stopped.

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ответил 11 дней назад

Вот подробный разбор с правильными формами глаголов. Обратите внимание, что Past Continuous используется для описания длительного действия в прошлом, а Past Perfect — для действия, завершившегося до другого действия в прошлом.

  1. The Gadfly had just finished washing the boy, and had wrapped him in a warm blanket when Gemma came in with a tray in her hands.
    (Past Perfect используется, так как действия завершились до прихода Gemma.)

  2. They had reached the peacock door and stood there, talking.
    (Past Perfect используется, чтобы показать, что они уже дошли до двери, а потом стояли и разговаривали.)

  3. She [Nurse Hopkins] herself had just come in and was untying her bonnet strings when Mary entered.
    (Past Perfect для завершенного действия "came in"; Past Continuous для незавершенного действия "was untying".)

  4. She could see their faces in a looking-glass. They had evidently been enjoying themselves.
    (Past Perfect Continuous показывает, что процесс наслаждения происходил до момента, когда она их увидела.)

  5. Mr. Pickwick found that his three companions had risen and had been waiting his arrival to commence breakfast.
    (Past Perfect для действий, завершившихся до прихода Mr. Pickwick.)

  6. I led her to the sitting room. Antonia had dried her tears and had powdered her nose again. She greeted Rosemary.
    (Past Perfect для завершенных действий до приветствия Rosemary.)

  7. When Gemma returned with the milk, the Gadfly had put on the riding-cloak and had fastened the leather gaiters which Martini had brought.
    (Past Perfect для всех завершенных действий до возвращения Gemma.)

  8. When I looked up again, I saw that she had moved and was standing with her hand on the handle of the door.
    (Past Perfect для завершенного действия "had moved"; Past Continuous для незавершенного действия "was standing".)

  9. Then, quite suddenly, I noticed a movement in the garden: someone had entered from the gate at the far end of the lawn and was moving rapidly across towards the house.
    (Past Perfect для действия "had entered", завершенного до момента заметки; Past Continuous для продолжающегося действия "was moving".)

  10. He hurried out into the big, dim vault of the station. The rain was lashing at the rails, and wind was cold after the closed-in carriage.
    (Past Continuous для действия "was lashing", происходящего в тот момент.)

  11. Elinor had not taken more than half a dozen steps, when a hand fell on her arm from behind.
    (Past Perfect для отрицательного действия, завершившегося к моменту падения руки.)

  12. When daylight came, the storm was still blowing, but the snow had stopped.
    (Past Continuous для продолжающегося действия "was blowing"; Past Perfect для завершенного действия "had stopped".)

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ответил 11 дней назад

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