Помогите перевести на английский, пожалуйста! 1. Ниже на этой улице строится новый жилой массив. 2....

строительство англичанин санаторий работа финансы воспитание операция дети кража разговор чай уроки помощь футбол замок день рождения друзья ожидание капитан собрание поезд скрытность темнота вопросы сон разговор забота образование восстановление исчезновение музыка представление прием

Помогите перевести на английский, пожалуйста!

  1. Ниже на этой улице строится новый жилой массив.
  2. Его еще никогда не принимали за англичанина.
  3. В твоей комнате ничего не трогали с тех пор, как тебя послали в санаторий.
  4. Представляет ли для тебя интерес работа, которую тебя предложили?
  5. 3а каждый пенни нужно отчитаться.
  6. Вас когда-нибудь учили, как надо вести себя?
  7. Его пришлось оперировать.
  8. Детей угостили мороженым.
  9. У меня украли коллекцию марок.
  10. Со мной так никогда не разговаривали.
  11. Посмотри! Кто-то пролил чай на скатерть. 12.Уроки нужно сделать более интересными.
  12. Надо что-то сделать для этих людей.
  13. В футбол играют во всем мире.
  14. Боюсь, что этот замок нельзя починить.
  15. На день рождения ей подарили коробку шоколадных конфет.
  16. О его приятеле хорошо отзываются.
  17. Студентам велели подождать за дверью.
  18. Моего дядю произвели в капитаны.
  19. Постороннего попросили уйти с собрания.
  20. Тебе скажут, когда отправляется поезд.
  21. Она чувствовала, что от нее что-то скрывают.
  22. Там будет так темно, что вас совсем не будет видно.
  23. Я почувствовал, что ему уже задавали этот вопрос раньше.
  24. Меня отослали спать. 2б. Он не слышал, о чем говорили.
  25. Мы узнаем, хорошо ли за ним смотрели.
  26. Ему дали первоклассное образование.
  27. Что-нибудь делается, чтобы восстановить это здание?
  28. Говорят, что его не видно уже три месяца.
  29. Он включил радио. Исполняли фортепианный концерт Брамса.
  30. Я не знал, кому меня представляют.
  31. На приеме на профессора не обращали внимания, но носились с его хорошенькой женой.

задан месяц назад

3 Ответа


Конечно, я помогу вам с переводом предложений на английский язык. Вот как они могут звучать:

  1. A new residential complex is being built down this street.
  2. He has never been mistaken for an Englishman.
  3. Nothing in your room has been touched since you were sent to the sanatorium.
  4. Are you interested in the job that has been offered to you?
  5. Every penny must be accounted for.
  6. Have you ever been taught how to behave?
  7. He had to be operated on.
  8. The children were treated to ice cream.
  9. My stamp collection was stolen.
  10. I've never been spoken to like that.
  11. Look! Someone has spilled tea on the tablecloth.
  12. Lessons need to be made more interesting.
  13. Something needs to be done for these people.
  14. Football is played all over the world.
  15. I'm afraid this lock cannot be repaired.
  16. She was given a box of chocolates for her birthday.
  17. His friend is spoken well of.
  18. The students were told to wait outside the door.
  19. My uncle was promoted to captain.
  20. The stranger was asked to leave the meeting.
  21. You will be told when the train departs.
  22. She felt that something was being kept from her.
  23. It will be so dark there that you won't be visible at all.
  24. I sensed that he had been asked that question before.
  25. I was sent to bed.
  26. He didn't hear what was being said.
  27. We will find out if he has been well taken care of.
  28. He was given a first-class education.
  29. Is anything being done to restore this building?
  30. It is said that he hasn't been seen for three months.
  31. He turned on the radio. A piano concerto by Brahms was being performed.
  32. I didn't know to whom I was being introduced.
  33. At the reception, the professor was ignored, but everyone was fussing over his pretty wife.

Если у вас будут дополнительные вопросы или потребуется разъяснение, я всегда готов помочь!

ответил месяц назад

  1. Below on this street a new residential complex is being built.
  2. He has never been mistaken for an Englishman.
  3. Nothing has been touched in your room since you were sent to the sanatorium.
  4. Are you interested in the job they offered you?
  5. Every penny needs to be accounted for.
  6. Have you ever been taught how to behave?
  7. He had to undergo surgery.
  8. The children were treated to ice cream.
  9. My stamp collection was stolen.
  10. No one has ever talked to me like that.
  11. Look! Someone spilled tea on the tablecloth.
  12. Lessons need to be made more interesting.
  13. Something needs to be done for these people.
  14. Football is played all over the world.
  15. I'm afraid this lock cannot be fixed.
  16. She was given a box of chocolate candies for her birthday.
  17. His friend is spoken of highly.
  18. The students were told to wait outside the door.
  19. My uncle was promoted to captain.
  20. An outsider was asked to leave the meeting.
  21. You will be told when the train is leaving.
  22. She felt like something was being kept from her.
  23. It will be so dark there that you won't be visible at all.
  24. I felt like he had been asked this question before.
  25. I was sent to bed.
  26. He didn't hear what was being said.
  27. We will find out if he was looked after well.
  28. He received a first-class education.
  29. Is anything being done to restore this building?
  30. They say he hasn't been seen for three months.
  31. He turned on the radio. They were playing Brahms' piano concerto.
  32. I didn't know who I was being introduced to.
  33. At the professor's reception, they ignored him but flirted with his pretty wife.

ответил месяц назад

  1. A new residential complex is being built down this street.
  2. He has never been mistaken for an Englishman.
  3. Nothing has been touched in your room since you were sent to the sanatorium.
  4. Is the job they offered you of interest to you?
  5. Every penny needs to be accounted for.
  6. Have you ever been taught how to behave?
  7. He had to undergo surgery.
  8. The children were treated to ice cream.
  9. My stamp collection was stolen.
  10. No one has ever talked to me like that.
  11. Look! Someone spilled tea on the tablecloth.
  12. Lessons need to be made more interesting.
  13. Something needs to be done for these people.
  14. Football is played all over the world.
  15. I'm afraid this castle cannot be repaired.
  16. She was given a box of chocolates for her birthday.
  17. His friend is spoken of highly.
  18. The students were told to wait outside the door.
  19. My uncle was promoted to captain.
  20. An outsider was asked to leave the meeting.
  21. You will be told when the train is departing.
  22. She felt like something was being hidden from her.
  23. It will be so dark there that you won't be visible at all.
  24. I felt like he had been asked that question before.
  25. I was sent to bed.
  26. He didn't hear what they were talking about.
  27. We will find out if he has been taken care of properly.
  28. He received a top-notch education.
  29. Is anything being done to restore this building?
  30. They say he hasn't been seen in three months.
  31. He turned on the radio. They were playing Brahms' piano concerto.
  32. I didn't know who I was being introduced to.
  33. They ignored the professor at the reception, but flirted with his pretty wife.

ответил месяц назад

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