Помогите пожалуйста "*Read the magazine article and do the tasks below.*" Every good climber wants to...

Mount Everest Himalayas climbing Nepal Tibet Chomolungma highest mountain expedition litter problem environmental cleanup government permission young Americans climbing equipment oxygen bottles May October booking mountaineering.

Помогите пожалуйста "Read the magazine article and do the tasks below."

Every good climber wants to climb mountain Everest, 8, 848 metres above the sea level, the highest mountain in the world. It stands between Nepal and Tibet, in the Himalayas. It is, in fact, quite a "young" mountain — only about two million years old. The Tibetans call it Chomolungma, the "Moth er of the World".

Only just over 600 people have ever climbed to the top of Everest. You cannot climb the mountain without special per mission from the government of Nepal; you can only climb it in May or October every year; you must have a booking for your expedition — and at the moment there are no more book ings for the next ten years!

The expeditions which have climbed Everest have all used tents, oxygen bottles and other climbing equipment. Many expeditions have left their old equipment behind them — empty oxygen bottles, old food containers, etc — so there is now a serious litter problem high up on the mountain.

The government of Nepal is now trying to clean up the mountain. In May 1993 they gave permission to a team of young Americans to climb the mountain . but they asked them to bring back the litter on their way down again. The expedition brought down 2, 850 kilos of litter from the high est slopes of the mountain. This was the start of a plan to clear all the litter from Mountain Everest.

A Write down whether the following statements are true or false.

  • Everest is less than 1, 100 metres high.

  • It is in the Alps.

  • 500 people have climbed it.

  • People can climb it from May to October.

B Answer the following questions.

  • Can you book an expedition to Everest now?

  • Why is there a serious litter problem?

  • How did the government start to exercise their programme?

задан 17 дней назад

3 Ответа



  • Everest is less than 1,100 metres high. False
  • It is in the Alps. False
  • 500 people have climbed it. False
  • People can climb it from May to October. True


  • Can you book an expedition to Everest now? No, there are no more bookings for the next ten years.
  • Why is there a serious litter problem? Many expeditions have left old equipment behind, such as empty oxygen bottles and food containers.
  • How did the government start to exercise their programme? They gave permission to a team of young Americans to climb the mountain and asked them to bring back the litter on their way down.

ответил 17 дней назад

Давайте разберем текст и дадим развернутые ответы на задания.

A. Определите, правда или ложь (True or False):

  1. Everest is less than 1,100 metres high.

    • Это утверждение ложное (False).
      Эверест — это самая высокая гора в мире, высота которой составляет 8,848 метров над уровнем моря, что намного превышает 1,100 метров.
  2. It is in the Alps.

    • Это утверждение ложное (False).
      Эверест находится в Гималаях, между Непалом и Тибетом, а не в Альпах.
  3. 500 people have climbed it.

    • Это утверждение ложное (False).
      В тексте указано, что на вершину Эвереста поднялись чуть более 600 человек, а не 500.
  4. People can climb it from May to October.

    • Это утверждение ложное (False).
      В тексте говорится, что восхождения на Эверест разрешены только в мае или октябре, а не в период с мая по октябрь.

B. Ответьте на вопросы (Answer the following questions):

  1. Can you book an expedition to Everest now?

    • Нет, вы не можете забронировать экспедицию на Эверест сейчас.
      В тексте сказано, что на данный момент все бронирования расписаны на ближайшие 10 лет, поэтому новых мест для экспедиций пока нет.
  2. Why is there a serious litter problem?

    • Проблема с мусором возникла из-за того, что многие экспедиции оставляют за собой старое оборудование, например, пустые кислородные баллоны, контейнеры из-под еды и другие предметы. Это привело к тому, что на высоких склонах горы скопилось большое количество мусора.
  3. How did the government start to exercise their programme?

    • Программа по очистке Эвереста началась в мае 1993 года, когда правительство Непала предоставило разрешение группе молодых американцев подняться на гору с условием, что они соберут мусор на обратном пути. Эта экспедиция собрала 2,850 килограммов мусора с высоких склонов горы, что стало началом инициативы по очистке Эвереста.

Дополнительный разбор контекста:

Текст не только рассказывает о высоте и расположении Эвереста, но также поднимает важные экологические вопросы. Несмотря на то, что восхождение на эту гору — мечта многих альпинистов, популярность экспедиций привела к загрязнению окружающей среды. Программа, начатая правительством Непала, символизирует первый шаг в решении этой экологической проблемы.

ответил 17 дней назад

A. True or False Statements

  1. Everest is less than 1,100 metres high.
    False. Everest is 8,848 metres high, making it the highest mountain in the world.

  2. It is in the Alps.
    False. Mount Everest is located in the Himalayas, between Nepal and Tibet.

  3. 500 people have climbed it.
    False. Over 600 people have climbed to the top of Everest.

  4. People can climb it from May to October.
    True. Climbers can only ascend Everest in May or October each year.

B. Answer the Following Questions

  1. Can you book an expedition to Everest now?
    No, you cannot book an expedition to Everest at this time because there are currently no more bookings available for the next ten years.

  2. Why is there a serious litter problem?
    There is a serious litter problem on Mount Everest because many expeditions have left behind old equipment, including empty oxygen bottles and food containers. This has accumulated over time, contributing to the litter issue on the mountain's slopes.

  3. How did the government start to exercise their programme?
    The government of Nepal began their cleanup program by granting permission to a team of young Americans in May 1993. They asked the team to bring back litter as they descended from the mountain. This expedition successfully retrieved 2,850 kilos of litter, marking the beginning of the initiative to clear all litter from Mount Everest.

ответил 17 дней назад

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