Помогите с англиским 6 класс на решить до 12 30 пж Form negative sentences 1 He played handball - He__________handball...

английский язык 6 класс отрицательные предложения помощь с домашним заданием отрицание в английском начальная школа грамматика английского языка упражнения на отрицание

Помогите с англиским 6 класс на решить до 12 30 пж

Form negative sentences

1 He played handball - He______handball

2 Susan waited in the kitchen -Susan_____in the kitchen

3 I made the beds-I____the beds

4They cleaned the classroom-They____the clssroom

5 She asked a lot of questions_she_____a lot of questions

6 The friends got new computers- The friends___new

7 I was in Sofia last weekend-I_____in Sofia last

8 You vuilt a house-You______a house

9 Christian bought a new guitar-Christian_______a new guitar

10 we went shopping- We______shopping

задан 4 месяца назад

2 Ответа


Чтобы составить отрицательные предложения в прошедшем времени на английском языке, необходимо использовать вспомогательный глагол "did" в отрицательной форме "did not" (сокращенно "didn't"), а основной глагол оставить в начальной форме (инфинитиве без частицы "to"). Примеры:

  1. He played handball - He didn't play handball.

  2. Susan waited in the kitchen - Susan didn't wait in the kitchen.

  3. I made the beds - I didn't make the beds.

  4. They cleaned the classroom - They didn't clean the classroom.

  5. She asked a lot of questions - She didn't ask a lot of questions.

  6. The friends got new computers - The friends didn't get new computers.

  7. I was in Sofia last weekend - I wasn't in Sofia last weekend.

    • Обратите внимание, что в данном случае используется глагол "to be" в прошедшем времени, поэтому отрицательная форма будет "was not" (сокращенно "wasn't").
  8. You built a house - You didn't build a house.

  9. Christian bought a new guitar - Christian didn't buy a new guitar.

  10. We went shopping - We didn't go shopping.

Надеюсь, это поможет вам понять, как образовывать отрицательные предложения в прошедшем времени!

ответил 4 месяца назад

1 He didn't play handball 2 Susan didn't wait in the kitchen 3 I didn't make the beds 4 They didn't clean the classroom 5 She didn't ask a lot of questions 6 The friends didn't get new computers 7 I wasn't in Sofia last weekend 8 You didn't build a house 9 Christian didn't buy a new guitar 10 We didn't go shopping

ответил 4 месяца назад

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