Помогите выбрать наречие или прилагательное 1. It’s an easy / easily question. You should be able to...

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Помогите выбрать наречие или прилагательное

  1. It’s an easy / easily question. You should be able to answer it quite easy / easily.
  2. I can type a bit but I’m very slow / slowly. I’m afraid I can only type very slow / slowly.
  3. Mr. Robbins shouted angry / angrily at the children. The children made Mr. Robbins very angry / angrily.
  4. Use this chair if you want to sit comfortable / comfortably. Use this chair. It’s very comfortable / comfortably.
  5. Mary sang beautiful / beautifully at the concert last night. Mary sang a beautiful / beautifullysong at the concert last night.
  6. There’s no need to feel nervous / nervously.Peter answered the questions nervous / nervously.
  7. What was wrong with Bill? He looked very sad / sadly. Bill shook his headsad / sadly.
  8. The children played together very happy / happily. The children looked very happy / happily as they played together.
  9. I’m afraid you have done this piece of work careless / carelessly. I’m afraid your work has been very careless / carelessly.
  10. The letter I received this morning was quite unexpected / unexpectedly. I received a letter this morning quite unexpected / unexpectedly.
  11. Be as quick / quicklyas you can.
  12. Fortunately, he was driving veryslow / slowlyat the time of the accident.
  13. Try to be careful / carefullywith that vase. It’s very valuable.
  14. We lived very happy / happilyabroad for nearly five years.
  15. How are you? I hope you’re good / well.
  16. Where’s Henry nowadays? I haven’t seen him late / lately.
  17. Don’t worry about Francis. She always arriveslate / lately.
  18. You’ll find it if you look hard / hardlyenough.

задан месяц назад

2 Ответа


  1. It’s an easy question. You should be able to answer it quite easily.
  2. I can type a bit but I’m very slow. I’m afraid I can only type very slowly.
  3. Mr. Robbins shouted angrily at the children. The children made Mr. Robbins very angry.
  4. Use this chair if you want to sit comfortably. Use this chair. It’s very comfortable.
  5. Mary sang beautifully at the concert last night. Mary sang a beautiful song at the concert last night.
  6. There’s no need to feel nervous. Peter answered the questions nervously.
  7. What was wrong with Bill? He looked very sad. Bill shook his head sadly.
  8. The children played together very happily. The children looked very happy as they played together.
  9. I’m afraid you have done this piece of work carelessly. I’m afraid your work has been very careless.
  10. The letter I received this morning was quite unexpected. I received a letter this morning quite unexpectedly.
  11. Be as quick as you can.
  12. Fortunately, he was driving very slowly at the time of the accident.
  13. Try to be careful with that vase. It’s very valuable.
  14. We lived very happily abroad for nearly five years.
  15. How are you? I hope you’re well.
  16. Where’s Henry nowadays? I haven’t seen him lately.
  17. Don’t worry about Francis. She always arrives late.
  18. You’ll find it if you look hard enough.

ответил месяц назад

В английском языке важно различать, когда следует использовать прилагательное, а когда наречие. Прилагательные описывают существительные, а наречия обычно описывают глаголы, прилагательные или другие наречия. Давайте разберем каждый из предложенных вариантов:

  1. It’s an easy / easily question. You should be able to answer it quite easy / easily.

    • "easy" (прилагательное) описывает существительное "question".
    • "easily" (наречие) описывает, как вы должны быть в состоянии ответить на вопрос.
  2. I can type a bit but I’m very slow / slowly. I’m afraid I can only type very slow / slowly.

    • "slow" (прилагательное) описывает "I" (я).
    • "slowly" (наречие) описывает, как вы печатаете.
  3. Mr. Robbins shouted angry / angrily at the children. The children made Mr. Robbins very angry / angrily.

    • "angrily" (наречие) описывает, как кричал мистер Роббинс.
    • "angry" (прилагательное) описывает состояние мистера Роббинса.
  4. Use this chair if you want to sit comfortable / comfortably. Use this chair. It’s very comfortable / comfortably.

    • "comfortably" (наречие) описывает, как вы будете сидеть.
    • "comfortable" (прилагательное) описывает стул.
  5. Mary sang beautiful / beautifully at the concert last night. Mary sang a beautiful / beautifully song at the concert last night.

    • "beautifully" (наречие) описывает, как пела Мэри.
    • "beautiful" (прилагательное) описывает песню.
  6. There’s no need to feel nervous / nervously. Peter answered the questions nervous / nervously.

    • "nervous" (прилагательное) описывает состояние.
    • "nervously" (наречие) описывает, как Питер отвечал на вопросы.
  7. What was wrong with Bill? He looked very sad / sadly. Bill shook his head sad / sadly.

    • "sad" (прилагательное) описывает состояние Билла.
    • "sadly" (наречие) описывает, как Билл покачал головой.
  8. The children played together very happy / happily. The children looked very happy / happily as they played together.

    • "happily" (наречие) описывает, как дети играли.
    • "happy" (прилагательное) описывает состояние детей.
  9. I’m afraid you have done this piece of work careless / carelessly. I’m afraid your work has been very careless / carelessly.

    • "carelessly" (наречие) описывает, как выполнена работа.
    • "careless" (прилагательное) описывает работу.
  10. The letter I received this morning was quite unexpected / unexpectedly. I received a letter this morning quite unexpected / unexpectedly.

    • "unexpected" (прилагательное) описывает письмо.
    • "unexpectedly" (наречие) описывает, как вы получили письмо.
  11. Be as quick / quickly as you can.

    • "quick" (прилагательное) корректно в этом случае, так как описывает состояние.
  12. Fortunately, he was driving very slow / slowly at the time of the accident.

    • "slowly" (наречие) описывает, как он ехал.
  13. Try to be careful / carefully with that vase. It’s very valuable.

    • "careful" (прилагательное) описывает, каким вы должны быть.
  14. We lived very happy / happily abroad for nearly five years.

    • "happily" (наречие) описывает, как вы жили.
  15. How are you? I hope you’re good / well.

    • "well" (наречие) используется для описания состояния здоровья или самочувствия.
  16. Where’s Henry nowadays? I haven’t seen him late / lately.

    • "lately" (наречие) описывает время, прошедшее с последней встречи.
  17. Don’t worry about Francis. She always arrives late / lately.

    • "late" (наречие) описывает, как она прибывает.
  18. You’ll find it if you look hard / hardly enough.

    • "hard" (наречие) описывает, как вы должны искать, чтобы найти.

Надеюсь, это поможет вам лучше понять, когда использовать прилагательные и наречия в английском языке!

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