Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы: 1. Den studies at the University. 2. They...

английская грамматика вопросы отрицания

Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы:

  1. Den studies at the University.
  2. They usually buy newspapers in the morning.
  3. The teacher asks many questions.
  4. He entered the Law faculty.
  5. My friend saw an interesting film yesterday.
  6. They got to the country by bus.
  7. Nick will work as a teacher.
  8. We shall make coffee for him.
  9. Her cousin will go abroad next week.

задан месяц назад

2 Ответа


  1. Does Den study at the University? Den does not study at the University.

  2. Do they usually buy newspapers in the morning? They do not usually buy newspapers in the morning.

  3. Does the teacher ask many questions? The teacher does not ask many questions.

  4. Did he enter the Law faculty? He did not enter the Law faculty.

  5. Did my friend see an interesting film yesterday? My friend did not see an interesting film yesterday.

  6. Did they get to the country by bus? They did not get to the country by bus.

  7. Will Nick work as a teacher? Nick will not work as a teacher.

  8. Will we make coffee for him? We will not make coffee for him.

  9. Will her cousin go abroad next week? Her cousin will not go abroad next week.

ответил месяц назад

Давайте разберем, как преобразовать данные утверждения в вопросительные и отрицательные формы в английском языке.

  1. Den studies at the University.

    • Вопросительная форма: Does Den study at the University?
    • Отрицательная форма: Den does not study at the University.
  2. They usually buy newspapers in the morning.

    • Вопросительная форма: Do they usually buy newspapers in the morning?
    • Отрицательная форма: They do not usually buy newspapers in the morning.
  3. The teacher asks many questions.

    • Вопросительная форма: Does the teacher ask many questions?
    • Отрицательная форма: The teacher does not ask many questions.
  4. He entered the Law faculty.

    • Вопросительная форма: Did he enter the Law faculty?
    • Отрицательная форма: He did not enter the Law faculty.
  5. My friend saw an interesting film yesterday.

    • Вопросительная форма: Did my friend see an interesting film yesterday?
    • Отрицательная форма: My friend did not see an interesting film yesterday.
  6. They got to the country by bus.

    • Вопросительная форма: Did they get to the country by bus?
    • Отрицательная форма: They did not get to the country by bus.
  7. Nick will work as a teacher.

    • Вопросительная форма: Will Nick work as a teacher?
    • Отрицательная форма: Nick will not work as a teacher.
  8. We shall make coffee for him.

    • Вопросительная форма: Shall we make coffee for him?
    • Отрицательная форма: We shall not make coffee for him.
  9. Her cousin will go abroad next week.

    • Вопросительная форма: Will her cousin go abroad next week?
    • Отрицательная форма: Her cousin will not go abroad next week.

В английском языке для формирования вопросительных предложений в настоящем времени используется вспомогательный глагол "do" или "does" (для третьего лица единственного числа), а для прошедшего времени — "did". Для будущего времени используется "will" (или "shall" для некоторых формальных контекстов и с первым лицом). Отрицательная форма образуется добавлением "not" к вспомогательному глаголу.

ответил месяц назад

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