Прочитайте отрывок из письма вашего друга по переписке Сью. Напишите письмо Сью. В своем письме: • спросите...

переписка письмо другу новые друзья микрорайон окрестности вопросы дружба скучать

Прочитайте отрывок из письма вашего друга по переписке Сью. Напишите письмо Сью. В своем письме: • спросите ее о ее окрестностях? • задайте три вопроса о ее новых друзьях? Напишите 60-80 слов. I really like my new neighbourhood.The people here are great and I have made some new friends. Still, I miss you a lot. Мне очень нравится мой новый микрорайон. Люди здесь замечательные, и я нашла несколько новых друзей. Тем не менее, я очень скучаю по вам.

задан 5 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


Dear Sue,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to ask you about your neighborhood - what is it like? Are there any interesting places to visit or things to do nearby?

I also wanted to ask you about your new friends. Can you tell me more about them? How did you meet them? What do you enjoy doing together?

I miss you a lot and I can't wait to hear all about your adventures in your new surroundings.

Take care, [Your Name]

ответил 5 месяцев назад

Dear Sue,

I'm thrilled to hear that you like your new neighbourhood! It sounds like a wonderful place. Could you tell me more about it? Are there any nice parks or cafes nearby?

I'm also curious about your new friends. What are their names, and how did you meet them? Do you share any common interests or hobbies with them? I hope they're as fun and kind as you are!

I miss you too and can't wait to hear all about your new adventures.

Best wishes,
[Your Name]

ответил 5 месяцев назад

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