Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами...

строгое воспитание дети завтраки школьные задания домашние обязанности музыкальные инструменты скрипка учеба честность кража семья помощь

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1 – 9, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 1 – 9. Текст: I think I had a very strict mother. While other kids __ chips and chocolate, we had to have an egg with a glass of milk for breakfast. When we came home from school, our mother made us __ chores while all our friends could run around and play. Since I was the ____ oldest son, I had to feed and milk the cows. My Mom’s idea was that everybody should play a musical instrument, I __ The violin for an hour every day. I was a good student. But my Mom wanted me to study __ than I did. She said, “If you work hard, you ____ a lot.” My mother also taught ___ to tell the truth. One day I took a chocolate bar from the local grocery store. After a strict lecture, my mother sent me back to the store to apologies to the grocer, and pay him for what I __. Now I have my own family and two children. But I __ glad that my Mom always helps me when I need it. Слова которые нужно подставить и преобразовать:






задан 7 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


eat - 1 do - 2 two - 3 play - 4 well - 5 achieve - 6 I - 7 take - 8 be - 9

ответил 7 месяцев назад

ate do second played more will achieve me took am

ответил 7 месяцев назад

Для выполнения этого задания необходимо преобразовать слова, написанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Рассмотрим каждое предложение:

  1. "While other kids ____ chips and chocolate, we had to have an egg with a glass of milk for breakfast." Здесь требуется глагол, описывающий действие, которое происходило в прошлом (прошедшее время). Слово: EAT Правильная форма: ATE Ответ: "While other kids ate chips and chocolate, we had to have an egg with a glass of milk for breakfast."

  2. "When we came home from school, our mother made us ____ chores while all our friends could run around and play." Здесь требуется глагол в начальной форме (инфинитив) после конструкции "made us". Слово: DO Правильная форма: DO Ответ: "When we came home from school, our mother made us do chores while all our friends could run around and play."

  3. "Since I was the ______ oldest son, I had to feed and milk the cows." Здесь требуется порядковое числительное для описания положения среди детей. Слово: TWO Правильная форма: SECOND Ответ: "Since I was the second oldest son, I had to feed and milk the cows."

  4. "My Mom’s idea was that everybody should play a musical instrument, I ___ the violin for an hour every day." Здесь требуется глагол в прошедшем времени. Слово: PLAY Правильная форма: PLAYED Ответ: "My Mom’s idea was that everybody should play a musical instrument, I played the violin for an hour every day."

  5. "I was a good student. But my Mom wanted me to study _____ than I did." Здесь требуется сравнительная степень прилагательного. Слово: WELL Правильная форма: BETTER Ответ: "I was a good student. But my Mom wanted me to study better than I did."

  6. "She said, 'If you work hard, you ______ a lot.'" Здесь требуется глагол в будущем времени. Слово: ACHIEVE Правильная форма: WILL ACHIEVE Ответ: "She said, 'If you work hard, you will achieve a lot.'"

  7. "My mother also taught _____ to tell the truth." Здесь требуется местоимение в объектном падеже. Слово: I Правильная форма: ME Ответ: "My mother also taught me to tell the truth."

  8. "One day I took a chocolate bar from the local grocery store. After a strict lecture, my mother sent me back to the store to apologies to the grocer, and pay him for what I ____." Здесь требуется глагол в прошедшем времени. Слово: TAKE Правильная форма: HAD TAKEN Ответ: "One day I took a chocolate bar from the local grocery store. After a strict lecture, my mother sent me back to the store to apologize to the grocer, and pay him for what I had taken."

  9. "Now I have my own family and two children. But I ____ glad that my Mom always helps me when I need it." Здесь требуется глагол в настоящем времени. Слово: BE Правильная форма: AM Ответ: "Now I have my own family and two children. But I am glad that my Mom always helps me when I need it."

Теперь текст выглядит так:

"I think I had a very strict mother. While other kids ate chips and chocolate, we had to have an egg with a glass of milk for breakfast. When we came home from school, our mother made us do chores while all our friends could run around and play. Since I was the second oldest son, I had to feed and milk the cows. My Mom’s idea was that everybody should play a musical instrument, I played the violin for an hour every day. I was a good student. But my Mom wanted me to study better than I did. She said, “If you work hard, you will achieve a lot.” My mother also taught me to tell the truth. One day I took a chocolate bar from the local grocery store. After a strict lecture, my mother sent me back to the store to apologize to the grocer, and pay him for what I had taken. Now I have my own family and two children. But I am glad that my Mom always helps me when I need it."

ответил 7 месяцев назад

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