Рассказ по английскому где тебе больше нравиться жить в городе или в деревне, и почему? ( не большой...

английский язык домашнее задание город или деревня предпочтения сочинение

Рассказ по английскому где тебе больше нравиться жить в городе или в деревне, и почему? ( не большой на 6-7 предложений) даю много потому что английский не многие знают.

задан 11 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


Certainly! Here is a short essay you could use for your English assignment:

Personally, I prefer living in the city over living in the village because of the vast opportunities and conveniences it provides. In the city, everything you need is just a stone's throw away. From shopping malls and restaurants to cultural centers and hospitals, the city is equipped with all the essential services. Additionally, cities offer better job opportunities due to the presence of numerous companies and industries. The public transport system in cities is also more developed, making it easier to commute without the need for a personal vehicle. Although cities can be crowded and noisy, the benefits of living in an urban area far outweigh these inconveniences for me.

ответил 11 месяцев назад

I prefer living in the city because of the convenience it offers. In the city, there are more opportunities for work, education, and entertainment. Additionally, I enjoy the diverse culture and vibrant atmosphere that cities provide. On the other hand, living in the countryside can be peaceful and closer to nature. However, I find the city life more stimulating and exciting. Overall, the city suits my lifestyle and preferences better than the countryside.

ответил 11 месяцев назад

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