Ребзя, нужна помощь! Прогулял урок не понял тему завтра проверка Д\З, а в инете нет( упражнение 3. вставьте...

английский язык грамматика do или make упражнения помощь учеба домашнее задание школа проверка глаголы ошибки советы

Ребзя, нужна помощь! Прогулял урок не понял тему завтра проверка Д\З, а в инете нет(

упражнение 3. вставьте в предложения формы do или make.

  1. Please, leave me alone, I need to _____ phone calls.

  2. If you don’t want to get wet, just _____sure that you have taken your umbrella with you.

  3. We are _____some research to try to find out where our ancestors come from.

  4. She _____her best not to fail the exam.

  5. The book published a month ago _____everyone laugh.

  6. It was for the first time in my life that the hurricane _____ so much damage.

  7. The boy relaxed ….nothing at all.

  8. It is no use _____excuses.

  9. Fresh air and exercises will _____him good.

  10. Could you _____me a favor, please?

  11. His advice will help you _____a good decision instead of a bad one.

  12. If you want to be fit, ____these exercises every morning.

  13. We were asked _____comments about this person.

  14. It _____no difference in him.

  15. I was embarrassed, and I had ___apologies immediately.

  16. As you listen to the lecturer, _____notes in your book.

  17. I’m going _____my best to follow my dad’s example.

  18. When Steve left school, he had _____a choice between working for his fa¬ther and going to college.

  19. I’m afraid I _____a mistake in the calculation.

  20. Try to __ a good impression on people around you.

  21. Eat more fruit and vegetables – it will __you good.

задан 4 месяца назад

2 Ответа


  1. Please, leave me alone, I need to make phone calls.
  2. If you don’t want to get wet, just make sure that you have taken your umbrella with you.
  3. We are doing some research to try to find out where our ancestors come from.
  4. She did her best not to fail the exam.
  5. The book published a month ago made everyone laugh.
  6. It was for the first time in my life that the hurricane did so much damage.
  7. The boy relaxed doing nothing at all.
  8. It is no use making excuses.
  9. Fresh air and exercises will do him good.
  10. Could you do me a favor, please?
  11. His advice will help you make a good decision instead of a bad one.
  12. If you want to be fit, do these exercises every morning.
  13. We were asked to make comments about this person.
  14. It made no difference in him.
  15. I was embarrassed, and I had to make apologies immediately.
  16. As you listen to the lecturer, make notes in your book.
  17. I’m going to do my best to follow my dad’s example.
  18. When Steve left school, he had to make a choice between working for his father and going to college.
  19. I’m afraid I made a mistake in the calculation.
  20. Try to make a good impression on people around you.
  21. Eat more fruit and vegetables – it will do you good.

ответил 4 месяца назад

Конечно, я помогу вам разобраться с этой темой. В английском языке есть два глагола, которые часто вызывают путаницу: "do" и "make". Оба они переводятся как "делать" на русский, но используются в разных контекстах. Ниже я объясню основные различия и помогу вставить правильные формы в ваши предложения.


"Do" используется, когда речь идет о выполнении работы, задач или обязанностей. Это более общее действие, которое часто связано с повседневными задачами и абстрактными концепциями.


  • do homework (делать домашнюю работу)
  • do a job (выполнять работу)
  • do the dishes (мыть посуду)


"Make" используется, когда речь идет о создании или производстве чего-то. Это связано с физическим созданием чего-то нового или изменением состояния.


  • make a cake (печь торт)
  • make a decision (принимать решение)
  • make a mistake (совершать ошибку)

Теперь давайте вставим правильные формы в ваши предложения:

  1. Please, leave me alone, I need to make phone calls.
  2. If you don’t want to get wet, just make sure that you have taken your umbrella with you.
  3. We are doing some research to try to find out where our ancestors come from.
  4. She did her best not to fail the exam.
  5. The book published a month ago made everyone laugh.
  6. It was for the first time in my life that the hurricane did so much damage.
  7. The boy relaxed doing nothing at all.
  8. It is no use making excuses.
  9. Fresh air and exercises will do him good.
  10. Could you do me a favor, please?
  11. His advice will help you make a good decision instead of a bad one.
  12. If you want to be fit, do these exercises every morning.
  13. We were asked to make comments about this person.
  14. It made no difference in him.
  15. I was embarrassed, and I had to make apologies immediately.
  16. As you listen to the lecturer, make notes in your book.
  17. I’m going to do my best to follow my dad’s example.
  18. When Steve left school, he had to make a choice between working for his father and going to college.
  19. I’m afraid I made a mistake in the calculation.
  20. Try to make a good impression on people around you.
  21. Eat more fruit and vegetables – it will do you good.

Надеюсь, это поможет вам подготовиться к проверке домашних заданий!

ответил 4 месяца назад

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