To be fond of To be interested in To be skilled at To be good at To enjoy To prefer To be keen on Помогите...

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To be fond of To be interested in To be skilled at To be good at To enjoy To prefer To be keen on Помогите сделать предложения

задан 5 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


Конечно, вот примеры предложений с использованием каждой из этих фраз:

  1. To be fond of (любить, увлекаться):

    • She is fond of reading historical novels in her free time.
    • My brother is fond of playing soccer with his friends every weekend.
  2. To be interested in (интересоваться):

    • I'm interested in learning more about different cultures and their traditions.
    • He is interested in pursuing a career in environmental science.
  3. To be skilled at (быть умелым, искусным в чем-то):

    • She is skilled at playing the piano and often performs at local events.
    • They are skilled at negotiating deals, which makes them successful in business.
  4. To be good at (быть хорошим в чем-то):

    • I'm good at solving puzzles and enjoy the challenge they present.
    • He is good at math and helps his classmates with their homework.
  5. To enjoy (наслаждаться, получать удовольствие):

    • I enjoy hiking in the mountains during the summer.
    • She enjoys cooking and experimenting with new recipes.
  6. To prefer (предпочитать):

    • I prefer tea over coffee in the mornings.
    • He prefers watching movies at home rather than going to the cinema.
  7. To be keen on (увлекаться, быть заинтересованным):

    • She is keen on photography and spends her weekends capturing nature scenes.
    • They are keen on improving their language skills and attend classes regularly.

Эти предложения демонстрируют использование каждой фразы в контексте, показывая ваши интересы, умения и предпочтения.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

  1. I am fond of hiking in the mountains and exploring nature.
  2. She is interested in learning about different cultures and traditions.
  3. He is skilled at playing the piano and has been practicing for years.
  4. They are good at problem-solving and always find creative solutions.
  5. We enjoy traveling to new places and experiencing different cuisines.
  6. I prefer reading books over watching movies in my free time.
  7. She is keen on playing sports and participates in various tournaments.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

  1. I am fond of reading books in my free time.
  2. She is interested in learning new languages.
  3. He is skilled at playing the piano.
  4. She is good at playing soccer.
  5. They enjoy watching movies on weekends.
  6. He prefers tea over coffee.
  7. She is keen on hiking in the mountains.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

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