У меня есть питомец рыжий кот. он очень красивый его зовут барсик,ему пять лет. он очень забавный,он...

кот питомец Барсик пушистый ласковый игрушки голубые глаза рыжий купание мячик

У меня есть питомец рыжий кот. он очень красивый его зовут барсик,ему пять лет. он очень забавный,он любит купаться в ванной. еще он любит играть со своими игрушками, особенно со своим красным мячиком. у него очень красивые голубые глазки, длинные усы, он очень красивый и пушистый. барсик очень ласковый,он любит когда его гладят, играют с ним. он самый классный и красивый кот на свете. я его очень люблю. перевести. спасибо.

задан 5 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


Sure, here is the translation of your text into English:

"I have a pet ginger cat. He is very beautiful, his name is Barsik, and he is five years old. He is very funny and loves to bathe in the bathtub. He also loves to play with his toys, especially his red ball. He has very beautiful blue eyes and long whiskers; he is very handsome and fluffy. Barsik is very affectionate and loves when he is petted and played with. He is the coolest and most beautiful cat in the world. I love him very much."

ответил 5 месяцев назад

I have a pet ginger cat. He is very beautiful, his name is Barsik, he is five years old. He is very cute, he likes to bathe in the bath. He also loves to play with his toys, especially with his red ball. He has very beautiful blue eyes, long whiskers, he is very beautiful and fluffy. Barsik is very affectionate, he loves when he is stroked, played with. He is the coolest and most beautiful cat in the world. I love him very much. Thank you.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

I have a ginger cat named Barsik. He is very beautiful and five years old. He is very funny and loves to bathe in the bath. He also loves to play with his toys, especially with his red ball. He has very beautiful blue eyes, long whiskers, and is very beautiful and fluffy. Barsik is very affectionate, he loves to be petted and played with. He is the coolest and most beautiful cat in the world. I love him very much. Thank you.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

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