Вставьте глаголы в Past Perfect. 1.We.(to have) breakfast before l went to school. 2.She went to meet...

Past Perfect английская грамматика вставить глаголы упражнения прошедшее совершенное время задания обучение примеры английский язык практика

Вставьте глаголы в Past Perfect. 1.We.(to have) breakfast before l went to school. 2.She went to meet his friends after he.(to finish) his homework. 3.The rain.(to stop) by 8 o'clock. 4.Jane was late because she .(to miss) the train. 5.My mother went to the post -office after she.(to get)the telegram. 6.My father.(to work) at the factory before he entered the college

задан 7 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


Past Perfect используется для выражения действия, которое завершилось до определенного момента в прошлом. Формируется он с помощью вспомогательного глагола "had" и основной формы глагола (третья форма или Past Participle).

Давайте разберем каждое предложение по отдельности:

  1. We had had breakfast before I went to school.

    • Здесь действие "иметь завтрак" произошло до того, как "я пошел в школу". Поэтому используем Past Perfect: "had had".
  2. She went to meet his friends after he had finished his homework.

    • Действие "закончить домашнюю работу" завершилось раньше, чем "она пошла встретить его друзей". Поэтому используем "had finished".
  3. The rain had stopped by 8 o'clock.

    • Дождь прекратился до 8 часов. Поэтому используем "had stopped".
  4. Jane was late because she had missed the train.

    • Джейн опоздала, потому что "она пропустила поезд". Действие пропуска поезда произошло раньше, чем ее опоздание, поэтому используем "had missed".
  5. My mother went to the post office after she had got the telegram.

    • Мать пошла на почту после того, как "она получила телеграмму". Действие получения телеграммы завершилось раньше, поэтому используем "had got".
  6. My father had worked at the factory before he entered the college.

    • Отец работал на фабрике до того, как "он поступил в колледж". Действие работы на фабрике завершилось раньше, поэтому используем "had worked".

Итак, предложения с правильными глаголами в Past Perfect выглядят следующим образом:

  1. We had had breakfast before I went to school.
  2. She went to meet his friends after he had finished his homework.
  3. The rain had stopped by 8 o'clock.
  4. Jane was late because she had missed the train.
  5. My mother went to the post office after she had got the telegram.
  6. My father had worked at the factory before he entered the college.

ответил 7 месяцев назад

  1. We had had breakfast before I went to school.
  2. She went to meet his friends after he had finished his homework.
  3. The rain had stopped by 8 o'clock.
  4. Jane was late because she had missed the train.
  5. My mother went to the post-office after she had gotten the telegram.
  6. My father had worked at the factory before he entered the college.

ответил 7 месяцев назад

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