Вставьте в пропуски it или there. 1. . is autumn. . is getting cold. . usually gets dark very early....

упражнение на it и there английская грамматика заполнение пропусков местоимения учебное задание практика английского грамматические конструкции английский язык упражнения на местоимения

Вставьте в пропуски it или there.

  1. . is autumn. . is getting cold. . usually

gets dark very early. 2. . were many people on the bus.

. was a peak hour. 3. — . is no wind today. —

Yes, . isn’t windy. 4. . are twelve months in the

year, . is a fact. 5. . is a long way from here

to the airport. But . is a taxi at the stop. 6. .

was a fine day. . were a lot of people in the park.

  1. . is something I’d like to tell you. . is

very important. 8. . is a new book. . are

many interesting facts in it. 9. . isn’t a difficult task.

. are many ways to do it. 10. We can’t take any pictures. . isn’t a film in the camera. . is such

a pity! 11. . is warm in the room. . is a

fireplace here. 12. . was a lot of snow last winter.

. was a cold winter. 13. — Is . snowing? —

No, . is raining hard. . are dark clouds in the

sky. 14. . is a supermarket down the street. . is a

five minute walk from here. . is close to the bus station.

  1. — Who is that man? — . is Mr. Smith, our director.

  2. — . is a question I’d like to ask you. — Is .

difficult? 17. . is a good question, and I’ll try to answer

it. Sometimes . are questions that you can’t answer.

  1. . is about ten o’clock. . is little time left before the lecture starts. 19. . is an island in the ocean.

. is a small island, but . are many hotels there.

  1. — What’s this? — . is a secret file. . is

very important information in it.

задан 5 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


Вставка "it" и "there" в английском языке зависит от контекста и структуры предложения. "It" обычно используется для указания на что-то конкретное или уже упомянутое, а "there" используется для обозначения существования чего-либо в определенном месте.

  1. It is autumn. It is getting cold. It usually gets dark very early.
  2. There were many people on the bus. It was a peak hour.
  3. There is no wind today. — Yes, it isn’t windy.
  4. There are twelve months in the year, it is a fact.
  5. It is a long way from here to the airport. But there is a taxi at the stop.
  6. It was a fine day. There were a lot of people in the park.
  7. There is something I’d like to tell you. It is very important.
  8. It is a new book. There are many interesting facts in it.
  9. It isn’t a difficult task. There are many ways to do it.
  10. We can’t take any pictures. There isn’t a film in the camera. It is such a pity!
  11. It is warm in the room. There is a fireplace here.
  12. There was a lot of snow last winter. It was a cold winter.
  13. — Is it snowing? — No, it is raining hard. There are dark clouds in the sky.
  14. There is a supermarket down the street. It is a five minute walk from here. It is close to the bus station.
  15. — Who is that man? — It is Mr. Smith, our director.
  16. There is a question I’d like to ask you. — Is it difficult?
  17. It is a good question, and I’ll try to answer it. Sometimes there are questions that you can’t answer.
  18. It is about ten o’clock. There is little time left before the lecture starts.
  19. There is an island in the ocean. It is a small island, but there are many hotels there.
  20. — What’s this? — It is a secret file. There is very important information in it.

Каждое из этих предложений демонстрирует правильное использование "it" и "there" в зависимости от контекста и структуры.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

  1. It is autumn. It is getting cold. It usually gets dark very early.
  2. There were many people on the bus. It was a peak hour.
  3. — There is no wind today. — Yes, it isn’t windy.
  4. There are twelve months in the year, it is a fact.
  5. It is a long way from here to the airport. But there is a taxi at the stop.
  6. It was a fine day. There were a lot of people in the park.
  7. There is something I’d like to tell you. It is very important.
  8. There is a new book. There are many interesting facts in it.
  9. It isn’t a difficult task. There are many ways to do it.
  10. We can’t take any pictures. There isn’t a film in the camera. It is such a pity!
  11. It is warm in the room. There is a fireplace here.
  12. There was a lot of snow last winter. It was a cold winter.
  13. — Is it snowing? — No, it is raining hard. There are dark clouds in the sky.
  14. There is a supermarket down the street. It is a five-minute walk from here. It is close to the bus station.
  15. — Who is that man? — It is Mr. Smith, our director.
  16. — There is a question I’d like to ask you. — Is it difficult?
  17. It is a good question, and I’ll try to answer it. Sometimes there are questions that you can’t answer.
  18. It is about ten o’clock. There is little time left before the lecture starts.
  19. There is an island in the ocean. It is a small island, but there are many hotels there.
  20. — What’s this? — It is a secret file. There is very important information in it.

ответил 5 месяцев назад

  1. It
  2. There
  3. There / it
  4. There / it
  5. It / there
  6. It / there
  7. There / it
  8. There / there
  9. It / there
  10. There / it / it
  11. It / there
  12. There / it
  13. It / it / there
  14. There / it / it
  15. It
  16. It / it
  17. It / there
  18. It / there
  19. There / it / there
  20. It / there

ответил 5 месяцев назад

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