Write short answers. 1. Do you often go to the zoo? 2. Does it rain a lot in Moscow? 3. Do you sing...

посещение зоопарка погода в Москве пение катание на коньках игра на гитаре

Write short answers.

  1. Do you often go to the zoo?
  2. Does it rain a lot in Moscow?
  3. Do you sing a lot?
  4. Do you often skate?
  5. Do you play the guitar?

задан 2 месяца назад

3 Ответа


  1. No, I don't often go to the zoo.
  2. Yes, it does rain a lot in Moscow.
  3. No, I don't sing a lot.
  4. No, I don't often skate.
  5. Yes, I play the guitar.

ответил 2 месяца назад

  1. No, I don't often go to the zoo.
  2. Yes, it rains a lot in Moscow.
  3. No, I don't sing a lot.
  4. No, I don't often skate.
  5. No, I don't play the guitar.

ответил 2 месяца назад

Для вопросов, требующих кратких ответов на английском языке, важно помнить, что они обычно начинаются с "Yes" или "No", за которыми следует подлежащее и вспомогательный глагол. Ниже приведены примеры кратких ответов на заданные вопросы:

  1. Do you often go to the zoo?

    • Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

    В более развернутом контексте: "Yes, I often go to the zoo with my family on weekends." или "No, I don't often go to the zoo because I'm not really interested in animals."

  2. Does it rain a lot in Moscow?

    • Yes, it does. / No, it doesn't.

    В более развернутом контексте: "Yes, it rains quite a lot in Moscow, especially during the autumn and spring months." или "No, it doesn't rain as much as people think, but the weather can be unpredictable."

  3. Do you sing a lot?

    • Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

    В более развернутом контексте: "Yes, I sing a lot, especially in the shower or when I'm driving." или "No, I don't sing a lot because I'm not very confident in my singing abilities."

  4. Do you often skate?

    • Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

    В более развернутом контексте: "Yes, I often skate at the local ice rink during winter." или "No, I don't often skate because I prefer other activities like cycling."

  5. Do you play the guitar?

    • Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

    В более развернутом контексте: "Yes, I play the guitar and I enjoy learning new songs." или "No, I don't play the guitar, but I have always wanted to learn."

Эти ответы демонстрируют, как можно расширить краткий ответ, чтобы предоставить больше информации или объяснить причину выбора.

ответил 2 месяца назад

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