Write what there is in your bedroom.Use  sofa,mirror,bed,desk. Как писать

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Write what there is in your bedroom.Use  sofa,mirror,bed,desk. Как писать

задан 4 месяца назад

2 Ответа


In my bedroom, there is a comfortable sofa where I can relax and read a book. There is also a large mirror hanging on the wall, which I use to check my outfit before leaving the house. The bed is the centerpiece of the room, with soft pillows and blankets for a good night's sleep. Beside the bed, there is a desk where I study and work on my computer. Overall, my bedroom is a cozy and functional space for rest and relaxation.

ответил 4 месяца назад

Конечно! Когда вас просят описать, что находится в вашей спальне, используя определенные слова, можно составить несколько предложений, чтобы дать более полное представление о вашем пространстве. Вот пример, как это можно сделать:

In my bedroom, there is a comfortable bed where I sleep every night. It's positioned against the wall, and it has soft pillows and a warm duvet. Next to the bed, there is a small desk where I do my homework and sometimes use my computer. The desk has a few drawers for storage and a lamp on top for better lighting.

Across from the bed, there's a large mirror hanging on the wall. It helps make the room look bigger and brighter, and I use it every morning when getting ready for the day. Lastly, in the corner of the room, there is a cozy sofa. It's a great place to relax, read a book, or chat with friends when they come over.

Этот ответ описывает расположение и функцию каждого предмета в комнате, предоставляя ясное и связное представление о вашей спальне.

ответил 4 месяца назад

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