Задайте к каждому предложению общий вопрос, отрицание и специальный. 1. We were watching TV the whole...

английский язык грамматика вопросы отрицание прошедшее время настоящее время

Задайте к каждому предложению общий вопрос, отрицание и специальный.

  1. We were watching TV the whole evening yesterday.
  2. He spent his childhood in France.
  3. She meets her children after school every day.
  4. They have already visited a lot of cities in this country. Сделайте пожалуйста срочно надо, хоть сколько нибудь

задан 3 месяца назад

3 Ответа


  1. What were you doing the whole evening yesterday? Negation: Were you not watching TV the whole evening yesterday? Special question: What were you watching on TV the whole evening yesterday?

  2. Where did he spend his childhood? Negation: Did he not spend his childhood in France? Special question: In which country did he spend his childhood?

  3. When does she not meet her children after school? Negation: Does she not meet her children after school every day? Special question: Why does she meet her children after school every day?

  4. How many cities have they visited in this country? Negation: Have they not visited a lot of cities in this country? Special question: Which cities have they already visited in this country?

ответил 3 месяца назад

Конечно, давайте разберем каждое предложение и составим к ним общий вопрос, отрицание и специальный вопрос.

  1. We were watching TV the whole evening yesterday.

    • Общий вопрос: Were we watching TV the whole evening yesterday?
    • Отрицание: We were not (weren't) watching TV the whole evening yesterday.
    • Специальный вопрос: What were we doing the whole evening yesterday?
  2. He spent his childhood in France.

    • Общий вопрос: Did he spend his childhood in France?
    • Отрицание: He did not (didn't) spend his childhood in France.
    • Специальный вопрос: Where did he spend his childhood?
  3. She meets her children after school every day.

    • Общий вопрос: Does she meet her children after school every day?
    • Отрицание: She does not (doesn't) meet her children after school every day.
    • Специальный вопрос: When does she meet her children?
  4. They have already visited a lot of cities in this country.

    • Общий вопрос: Have they already visited a lot of cities in this country?
    • Отрицание: They have not (haven't) already visited a lot of cities in this country.
    • Специальный вопрос: What have they already visited in this country?

Для составления вопросов важно учитывать время и структуру предложений. В общих вопросах используется инверсия, в отрицаниях добавляется частица "not", а специальный вопрос начинается с вопросительного слова, такого как "what", "where", "when" и т.д.

ответил 3 месяца назад

  1. What were you not doing the whole evening yesterday?

    • Were you not watching TV the whole evening yesterday?
    • What were you doing the whole evening yesterday instead of watching TV?
  2. Where didn't he spend his childhood?

    • Did he not spend his childhood in France?
    • Where did he spend his childhood?
  3. When doesn't she meet her children after school?

    • Does she not meet her children after school every day?
    • When does she not meet her children after school?
  4. How many cities have they not visited in this country?

    • Have they not already visited a lot of cities in this country?
    • How many cities have they visited in this country?

ответил 3 месяца назад

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