Завершите предложение новыми словами из рамки 1. i like spending my holidays with my grandfather because...

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Завершите предложение новыми словами из рамки

  1. i like spending my holidays with my grandfather because we have much . .

  2. . and traditions of Africa are very colorful.

  3. Last spring we visited the Urals. We were . by its nature

  4. Are you busy? -No, I am . .

  5. What is your . of Harry Porter's adventures?

6.Tom Sawyer . from his aunt's house.

  1. I like a holidays when I have a . for a week and do nothing.

  2. In summer my granny often goes to the forest . .

  3. In the old times people . in spirits.

  4. The book you have me was so. .

Вот слова:

· impressed

· Impression

· relaxing

· Beach rest

· In common

· Customs

· To pick mushrooms and berries

· Escaped

· Believed

· Boring

задан 9 дней назад

3 Ответа


Давайте заполним предложения подходящими словами из предложенного списка:

  1. I like spending my holidays with my grandfather because we have much in common.

    • Это выражение означает, что у вас с дедушкой много общих интересов или тем для обсуждения.
  2. Customs and traditions of Africa are very colorful.

    • Слово "customs" относится к обычаям, что делает предложение логичным и завершенным.
  3. Last spring we visited the Urals. We were impressed by its nature.

    • Это слово указывает на то, что природа Урала произвела на вас сильное впечатление.
  4. Are you busy? - No, I am relaxing.

    • Здесь слово "relaxing" означает, что вы отдыхаете и не заняты.
  5. What is your impression of Harry Porter's adventures?

    • "Impression" здесь означает ваше мнение или чувства по поводу приключений Гарри Поттера.
  6. Tom Sawyer escaped from his aunt's house.

    • Слово "escaped" означает, что Том убежал или сбежал из дома тети.
  7. I like a holiday when I have a beach rest for a week and do nothing.

    • "Beach rest" указывает на отдых на пляже, что подходит к контексту предложения.
  8. In summer my granny often goes to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

    • Это выражение точно описывает, что делает ваша бабушка в лесу летом.
  9. In the old times people believed in spirits.

    • Слово "believed" означает, что люди верили в существование духов в прошлом.
  10. The book you gave me was so boring.

    • Слово "boring" указывает на то, что книга была скучной.

Эти слова и выражения завершают предложения, добавляя недостающий смысл и контекст.

ответил 9 дней назад

  1. i like spending my holidays with my grandfather because we have much in common.

  2. Customs and traditions of Africa are very colorful.

  3. Last spring we visited the Urals. We were impressed by its nature

  4. Are you busy? -No, I am relaxing.

  5. What is your impression of Harry Porter's adventures?

6.Tom Sawyer escaped from his aunt's house.

  1. I like a holidays when I have a beach rest for a week and do nothing.

  2. In summer my granny often goes to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

  3. In the old times people believed in spirits.

  4. The book you have me was so boring.

ответил 9 дней назад

  1. i like spending my holidays with my grandfather because we have much in common.

  2. Customs and traditions of Africa are very colorful.

  3. Last spring we visited the Urals. We were impressed by its nature.

  4. Are you busy? -No, I am relaxing.

  5. What is your impression of Harry Porter's adventures?

  6. Tom Sawyer escaped from his aunt's house.

  7. I like a holidays when I have a beach rest for a week and do nothing.

  8. In summer my granny often goes to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

  9. In the old times people believed in spirits.

  10. The book you gave me was so boring.

ответил 9 дней назад

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